Carrots and Sticks may motivate a horse to run, but Dan Pink argues that for humans, they just aren’t good motivators. In the video posted below, he shares some amazing research about motivation. I thought I’d share a bit of it here for all you guys who are leaders ’cause we’ve gotta learn everything we…
Tag: dv84jc
Repost: Tassels
Our Pastor spoke on these same concepts today, so I thought I’d repost this article from May 3, 2006. Tassels Read Numbers 15:37-41 The LORD said to Moses, 38 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a…
I read a blog by Alan Danielson this morning that brings home a concept that’s been rolling around in my head for a while. Here’s a quote: “Often we think that a great harvest is when masses make a decision for Christ, but Osborne (in his book, Sticky Church) challenges that mindset. Farmers don’t celebrate…
True Fear
Miranda asked a simple question. “Where is Kasen?” I didn’t know. We had been home for a few hours from our vacation and were relaxing on the floor of the living room. Kasen had been right there with us just minutes before. We yelled for him. . . No answer or any noises from other…
Underwater Guinea Pigs
Thought I’d put this up just in case anyone ever wants to go on a cool trip. Miranda and I would be happy to be the guinea pigs – you pay and we’ll go to Fiji to check this place out for you – and we’ll even take plenty of pictures and tell you all…
Like Daddy
His 19-month-old finger pointed awkwardly at the bottom of his cereal bowl and he grunted to get my attention. Kasen has been daddy’s shadow lately. Everywhere I go, he’s just a step behind. Miranda’s says he’s “daddy’s little boy” right now and she laments that she doesn’t get to be the “hero” like me. I’m…
A Bump in the Road
I’m 9 Weeks into this whole weight loss/exercise/diet thing and I guess I hit a bump in the road. Last week I weighed 227.5lbs and this week I was back @ 230lbs. I don’t really think I gained 2.5 lbs. I think it has to do with when I weigh myself. I didn’t eat as…
Good Personal Vision Questions
Just thought I’d repost these questions from Will Mancini (Church Unique) & Tom Harper These are things we should all think about every now and then. As you think about your personal vision… What one thing bothers you most about the world? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what one thing would you pursue for…
Hosea & Gomer
Read Hosea 1:1-3:5 – The Message As you read notice that I have inserted a few of my own comments (in blue). I’m hoping that they will help you to understand what you’re reading a bit more. Hosea 1 1 This is God’s Message to Hosea son of Beeri. It came to him during the…