Integrity is the amount that your words, actions, and beliefs line up with one another. As a teacher, I witness my students’ lack of integrity every day. When they misbehave, I follow our classroom procedures to reprimand them. They almost always say, “I’m sorry.” However, I’m not sure they really are. Often, their words don’t…
Category: CBS Journal
A Leader’s Poem and Prayer
POEM by Sir Francis Drake: Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess, we have lost our…
Leadership Quotes
I was reading about leadership on-line the other day and found these quotes. I just thought I’d share them ’cause they’re good. I especially love the second one from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Something about that one just rings true in my heart. There’s this sort of resounding “Yes!” that just wants to rise up out…
Follow the Servant Leader
I was watching some kids play the other day and was reminded of the games I used to play as a kid. I especially remember “Follow the Leader.” Everyone wanted to be the leader, and I don’t know about you, but I used to try to do things that the other kids couldn’t do. I…
The Family Bible
I was thinking a couple of weeks ago about the family Bible. Most people have this huge Bible that just sits around somewhere in the house, that is never used. I felt like God was telling me that Miranda and I needed to be more intentional about our time together and our Bible reading. I…
Leo is a character in a story called “Journey to the East” by Hermann Hesse. I read an article by Robert Greenleaf for my latest class and learned about this character – Leo. The story is about a guy who joins this group of travelers headed to “the east” in search of “ultimate truth.” Leo…
Indiscernable Change
The other day, I had lunch with an old friend who I hadn’t seen much of in a couple of years. As we talked, I realized how much of life has really changed. Not only has Kasen become a part of our lives, but I have also started school since then. We’ve also seen quite…
Everyone seems to agree there are fewer true leaders in the world today than in any other previous generation. I wonder why? Here’s my BIG thought: I wonder if the lack of leadership is somehow connected to the lack of “play” in the world? Let me explain. It’s has always been a pet-peeve of mine…
Bottom Leaders
As the leader of my son, there are (or will be) times when it’s appropriate for me to allow him to lead me. Of course I will only allow him to lead me to certain places – it’ll always be within the boundaries that I set, but still, I will choose to follow him…
I love it when someone can convey a message with nothing but questions. Here’s a blog from seth godin that does just that: How do I persuade you? Do I show you a powerpoint filled with bullets? Or give you a spirited sales pitch while looking you in the eye… Perhaps I should send a…