Matthew 21:12-22; Mark 11:12-19; Luke 19:45-48 Most scholars believe that Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple on the Monday of Holy week so I thought I’d post about it today. I have always wondered about the time Jesus got mad and threw the money changers out of the temple. (Matthew 21, Luke…
Category: Theological Concepts
A Perfect Act of Love
“If I ever do a perfect act of love, I’ll probably be proud of it, and then it won’t be a perfect act anymore. Maybe if I die in the midst of performing this act, I could do it.” – man on radio (wish I knew who he was) When I heard it, this idea…
Believe Now
“Believe now.” ~ Bryan McKenzie My pastor said this in a sermon a while back. He was referring to coming to Christ for the first time, but I heard it differently. It stuck. It’s been rolling around in my head for months now. If I could “believe now,” then I could make a Godly choice…
Learning Repentance
Miranda and I have been working on teaching our children about repentance quite a bit lately. We never really use that word, but we’re trying to lay a foundation which will make it easy to understand as they grow older. Our practice is to teach them a few things to say when they have…
The Bridge
Over the years, the valley had grown wider. All the storms (big and small) compounded and made it tough to traverse so . . . we built a bridge. I had a great Spring Break! Miranda, Kasen, Kesleigh, and I spent the week in Livingston with our good friends (we consider them family) the Godbolds….
Jesus: True and Better
Love this video. True & Better from Peter Artemenko on Vimeo. “Jesus is the true and better Adam who passed the test in the garden and whose obedience is imputed to us. Jesus is the true and better Abel who, though innocently slain, has blood now that cries out, not for our condemnation, but for…
Christmas is the celebration of the “Withness” of God!! Jesus stepped out of heaven and off His throne to come to earth to be with us. (Philippians 2:5-8) My friend Kris Lyle, who studies biblical languages, posted something recently about the word, with. He was researching with and discovered some interesting stuff about the way…
ER and real Faith
Hey guys – here’s a really good article I read on Ed Stetzer’s blog talking about the kind of faith people are really longing for. Check out the video clip from ER first. Terry Mattingly writes: Non-attendees (to church) want to ignore a generic God, but when/if they follow a faith, they want one that has…
Dark Side of Leadership
“Book Summary: Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership” By Steve Corn This book should be read by any and every leader. It deals with a part of leadership which is very rarely discussed and in some cases ignored altogether. Although they never use the metaphor, the “dark side” which they discuss is an ever-present reality…
Existence of God
Although the existence of God has been debated throughout the years, there are some very good arguments which have developed. The following are the most popular. Cosmological Argument – Since the world exists and something cannot come from nothing, God must exist. Teleological Argument – Since the world is ordered and logically arranged, there must…