Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” I don’t know what you hear when you read this verse (or hear someone using it to tell you how to raise your child), but this is what I hear: “Raise…
Tag: son
Learning Repentance
Miranda and I have been working on teaching our children about repentance quite a bit lately. We never really use that word, but we’re trying to lay a foundation which will make it easy to understand as they grow older. Our practice is to teach them a few things to say when they have…
The Wind
After church today, we came home and went outside in the back yard. Here’s the conversation I had with Kasen. (3yrs) Kasen: Daddy, where does the wind come from? Me: I don’t know Kasen. We can’t see it, but we can feel it. Kasen: We can’t see Jesus, but we can feel him too. Wow!!…
The Hardest Question
Guest Post from Miranda: It all started with Kasen asking me, “Who is your brother mommy?” Mommy: Well Kasen, you know my brother – it’s Uncle Jared. Kasen: Well who’s your mommy? Mommy: Gigi. Kasen: Who’s your daddy? Mommy: Papa Kasen: Who’s daddy’s mommy? Mommy: Grandma. And then I saw the lightbulb and Kasen said,…
Kasen Tells the Christmas Story
I told the story tonight before we sent the kids to bed and Kasen wanted me to tell it again. When I explained that it was bedtime, he began telling the story again himself. I caught the second half of it on video here.
No Training Wheels!!
Kasen learned to ride tonight with no training wheels! He’s been trying for about a week, but it all came together tonight. This is his second ride. (We missed the first ’cause Miranda had to run in the house to get the camera.) Here’s another a few minutes later.
Kasen’s 3rd Birthday!
It’s hard to believe that Kasen is turning 3. My role as a husband and father has been the most rewarding I’ve ever experienced and I look forward to many more in the future. Although we already had his party (this weekend), his REAL birthday is today so I thought I’d post this video. I…
Fruck in Fractor
Here are a few funny words that my kids use. I hope you’re not easily offended. (especially with the 1st one.) Kasen: “Fruck in Fractor” = “Truck and Tractor” – Example: As we drive down the highway, Kasen says, “Hey daddy! There’s another one “fruck in fractor.” (He also uses the phrase “another one” instead…
Why the Grass Makin’ Noise?
Our family took a quick trip to McKinney Falls with some friends this past weekend and Kasen (my 2 and a half year old) and I slept in a tent one night. We had a great conversation as we settled down for the night. Here’s how it went: Daddy: Kasen, you know who loves you??…
A Secret
It was an intimate moment. Miranda cupped her hand and leaned in to the ear of our 2yr old son, Kasen. She spoke gently, “Kasen, I have a secret.” He watched her intently. Drawing it out and emphasizing each word, she said, “I. . . love. . . you!” Kasen pushed in close to her…