Praying in the Belly of the Beast – February 2025: Hopeless spaces can be sanctuaries when we call out to God. As a part of the “White Flag” surrender series, this message is based upon Jonah’s prayer inside the fish as he sunk to the depths of the earth and traveled the darkest parts of his own heart. That’s where he discovered the magnitudes of God’s grace.
The Ultimate Thanksgiving – November 2024 – Jesus celebrated a Thanksgiving meal every year of His life in the Passover, but His last Passover became the Ultimate Thanksgiving. This message explores the connections between Thanksgiving, the Passover meal, and the Lord’s Supper. It also explores the purpose and power found when we wield the sword of gratitude.

Community Matters – Sept 2024 – The deep longings we have to know and be known by true friends, comes from God. We were created for community. Small groups is where we experience Bible Study, Community, and Care. Jesus is the bread of life, but it is His community that serves it to us.

Chisels for Priorities – June 2024 – My first sermon at Brazos Pointe as a Discipleship Minister. The series is about the chisels that God uses to shape us. I chose the Gibeonite story from Joshua 9 because God has used it to help me recognize how good things can subtly slip in and take God’s territory within my heart.

Christmas Shepherds – Dec 2021 – The shepherds in the Christmas story are a great example of how we should respond to God. They listened to God. They ran to Jesus. They told others about Jesus. They worshipped Jesus.

Triumphal Entry – 2021 Palm Sunday – Jesus did not ride into Jerusalem on a big war horse with a mighty army conquer Rome. How could a donkey and some peasants with palm branches be a triumph?

The Sword of Gratitude – 2019 Thanksgiving – Gratitude can be a Sword against the Darkness. When faced with death itself, Jesus sat down to a simple meal, broke bread, and gave thanks, wielding the Sword of Gratitude. This message explores how gratitude defeats the darkness.

Faithfulness – 2019 Summer – Part of a sermon series at GBC on the Fruit of the Spirit. This sermon dives into some of the old testament traditions of how treaties were made. We get to discover God as our Sovereign and recognize our role in faithfulness as well as His ultimate faithfulness to us, His chosen people.

The Good Shepherd – 2018 Summer – Jesus wasn’t just teaching us about Shepherds and Sheep in John 10. He was confronting the Pharisees! His message was subversive.

Joshua – 2017 Winter – We did a series at Grace Bible Church taking Old Testament stories and connecting them to Jesus. This was my contribution. I’ve always loved how many parts of this story point to Jesus. Handout: Joshua/Jesus Comparison

Come to Me – 2017 Summer – A good understanding of the ancient Jewish Educational system answers many of the puzzling things in the New Testament.

Ruth Series – 2016 Fall – I preached this series during a time between pastors at Grace Bible Church. One of my favorite Biblical Stories. Boaz is awesome!!!

Passover Haggadah – I taught about the Last Supper and went through the Passover meal with a group from Grace Bible Church. Here’s the link for the guide: Passover Haggadah

Hag Story – For students at Lake Jackson FUMC. An allegory/story I heard from Rob Morris (who heard it from Dave Reaver) depicting the life/pursuit of a Christian.
Worship – Psalm 95 – A sermon I preached at Lake Jackson FUMC one Sunday when the Pastor got sick. The basic outline is from a Voddie Baucham message on the same passage.