
I wore a pair of shorts with a 36 waist yesterday!! I can remember exactly, but it’s probably been at least 10 years since I was in a 36. Right before we left for our vacation last week, I went to get some more shorts. The first 36s that I tried on fit great!! I was excited. Too bad the next pair I had to go back to my regular 38s. Oh well – at least I’m moving in the right direction. It’s now week 14 of this lifestyle change and the scale said I weighed 229lbs this morning. When I started, I was 240lbs and my goal is 190lbs. I’ve still got a long way to go, but according to Andy Stanley, it’s “direction that determines destination” and I’m moving in the right direction. In all honesty, I figured I would have weighed much more this morning, ’cause last week was vacation. I ate all kinds of “bad” (and good) things and I didn’t get the exercise in that has become my routine.  I was happy with 229lbs.

Another milestone occurred during this vacation. I actually showed up at the beach and got in the water with no shirt. I have worn a shirt for years when I swim ’cause I’ve always been too ashamed of my big belly. (And it always feels awkward to have my shirt off when I’m doing youth ministry stuff around pools, etc.) I think I’ll still wear a shirt for youth stuff, but I crossed some sort of line this past week that I think is notable. Of course, I still don’t look all that different than I did when I started, so maybe this has more to do with me not caring what other people think anymore – of course the fact that there were other guys on the beach who were fatter than I helped too.

Here are the pics this week:

Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 14 - 229lbs
Week 14 - 229lbs











A Bump in the Road

I’m 9 Weeks into this whole weight loss/exercise/diet thing and I guess I hit a bump in the road. Last week I weighed 227.5lbs and this week I was back @ 230lbs. I don’t really think I gained 2.5 lbs. I think it has to do with when I weigh myself. I didn’t eat as well this past week (and I have no excuses – well, maybe I could blame Shana’s visit for one meal, but. . .well. . . that’s just me playing the “blame game” that I learned from my ancestors back in Genesis.) Anyway, I think there are probably gonna be weeks where I feel like I’m getting nowhere. This is one of them, but regardless of what the scales say, I can still say I feel better. I feel like I’m really doing well. I’ve been on the cholesterol medication for just over a month now and taking “fish oil” for about as long. The lifestyle change that I’m really seeking is well underway and it really hasn’t been as difficult as I had imagined. If I can just make my feet hit the floor in the mornings, then after that, the exercise part comes easy. Eating better will always be difficult, but I’m finding more things that I enjoy that are “healthy.” (By the way, Miranda made some great pork chops last night!)

Here are the pics:

Week 9 - 230lbs
Week 9 - 230lbs

Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!











Well, I’ve lost 10 of what now has become a 50lb goal. That’s 20%!! Pretty good for just 4 weeks of effort. At this rate, (I know the rate will slow down) I will reach my goal by the beginning of October! Of course the real goal is health and that means I’ll never reach the end of these efforts. This is a lifestyle change, not just a diet or exercise program.

All in all, I must say, it really hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be. I’m sure there will be more ups and downs, but . . . the whole thing really seems like something I can do. I’m sure that when I stop losing weight, some of the motivation will be gone, but. . . well, who knows.

This week during our small group I got a call from my doctor. He had just received the results from my blood test. He prescribed a cholesterol lowering medication that I’m gonna have to take once a day. That’s no fun, but if that’s what it takes for me to be healthy and live so that I can do God’s work, then it’s certainly worth it. Maybe I’ll be able to get off the medication once I get into shape?!?!?!

Here’s the pics for this week:

Week 1 - 240lbs
Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 4 - 230lbs
Week 4 – 230lbs



Cruising through School

Leaving_progresso No, I’m not trying to say that school is a breeze. It’s just that Miranda and I went on a cruise last week and I missed out on class. We had an incredible time.

I guess when it comes to school, in some ways I could say I’ve been “cruising” through. It’s not been easy sailing, but I guess it’s just the right time in my life for me to be in school. I’m really enjoying all that I’ve been learning and it seems like the time is going rather quickly. Up to this point, I’ve completed three classes and received “A”s on at least the first two. (I feel like I’ll get an “A” on the other one too) It’s been a whole lot of work and certainly requires more time than I ever imagined, but it’s just been really interesting – it’s not a painful process for me like school was for me years ago.

I had to read some while I was on my cruise and ended up even doing some homework while I was there. I had made plans to not take any homework with me, and really could have gotten away with not doing any of it, but I discovered that I wanted to do it. Now that’s really weird – “wanting” to do homework. What’s wrong with me??

We got to do lots of stuff on the trip – swam in a cenote (underground river) and saw Chichen Itza (Mayan Ruins) not to mention all the great food and shows on the ship. I even laid on the ruins of a table where the Mayan’s practiced human sacrifice. Living_sacrifice_01_on_sacrificial_table I call it my “living sacrifice” pic. The more I’ve thought about it since then, the more guilty I feel for doing it. I certainly didn’t want to be disrespectful to the people, but I guess it didn’t really occur to me in the moment ’cause there were lots of people running around back and forth over the spot where I was. For all I know, maybe that isn’t even the real spot, but it was the best we could figure.

We also got to know the people who we ate dinner with on the ship each night. I don’t think any of them were really church goers. One couple certainly was not and the other two couples talked about how they spent most of their weekends on Texas lakes with their boats. Anyway, Miranda and I were wondering what would a church look like that they would consider attending? Would they come if the services were on Wednesday night or sometime other than Sunday morning? There’s nothing Scriptural that says we as NT Christians are bound to the Sabbath, or even that Sunday is the new Sabbath. Our culture has adopted that from the early Christians who enjoyed celebrating on Sunday because it was the day of the resurrection. Would there be anything wrong with Wednesday being the day of worship? Some might say that Wednesday doesn’t work ’cause it’s a “work day,” but wasn’t Sunday a “work day” for the first Christians? Besides, if worship is a lifestyle and not an event, isn’t every day supposed to be a “day of worship?” Anyway, these are just some of our thoughts. . . . .what do you guys think?