I love it when someone can convey a message with nothing but questions. Here’s a blog from seth godin that does just that: How do I persuade you? Do I show you a powerpoint filled with bullets? Or give you a spirited sales pitch while looking you in the eye… Perhaps I should send a…
Tag: corn
Another Culture given the Gospel
I’m so glad that there are Christians all over the world who are trying to interpret the Gospel message to all sorts of cultures. I just discovered a new version of the Bible that’s written in the “Manga” format. For those of you who aren’t familiar – Manga is that Japanese animation that fills complete…
Calvin Miller says something in his book “The Empowered Leader” which is so simple and yet so clear that it forces me to think/meditate on it more. He says, “God can only direct the flexible.” How often do we equate our legalistic (non-flexible) behaviors with being more spiritual – Saying to ourselves, “If I can…
Servant Leadership
This leadership model is grounded in the idea that different people need to be led in different ways. Let me explain the basics. Commitment and Competence – Development Stages Development stage 1 (D1) – People are usually highly committed to a new project, but have low competence since they’ve never done it before. Development stage…
Conflict & Reconciliation
Matthew 18:15-20 – If someone sins against you, then you are responsible for going to them to explain how they’ve hurt you and seek reconciliation. Matthew 5:23 – If you have sinned against someone, then you are responsible for going to them seeking reconciliation. I can’t help but notice that we are personally responsible for…
ER and real Faith
Hey guys – here’s a really good article I read on Ed Stetzer’s blog talking about the kind of faith people are really longing for. Check out the video clip from ER first. Terry Mattingly writes: Non-attendees (to church) want to ignore a generic God, but when/if they follow a faith, they want one that has…
Enemy Soldiers in the Church
In my Biblical Leadership Studies at CBS, I discovered quite a few types of enemy soldiers in the church. Here’s a list: Aggressors – Always on the march for their own ideas. They push their viewpoint, regardless of merit. They win by wearing others down. Battle cry: “The best defense is a good offense!” Attackers…
Monkey Business
I just read a great article called “Management Time: Who’s got the Monkey?” by William Oncken Jr and Donald Wass. (It can be found in the Harvard Business Review Nov-Dec 1974 issue.) Anyway, they describe how leaders fail to manage their time. They describe a fictional situation in which the boss is walking down the…
Patch Adams Leadership Qualities
Introduction The movie, Patch Adams, (Universal Studios, 1998) is based on the life a Dr. Patch Adams. A man who believes that “the most revolutionary act one can commit in our world is to be happy.” (from his biography on internationalspeakers.com.) Famous comedian, Robin Williams, plays the role very well. The film begins in a…