We had a great time today at the Beltway 8 BMX track! The people at the track were great hosts and led us through the whole process. Some of the riders were very helpful to Kasen and the other little guys while they were on the track as well. Kasen loved his first experience as…
Tag: video
Jesus: True and Better
Love this video. True & Better from Peter Artemenko on Vimeo. “Jesus is the true and better Adam who passed the test in the garden and whose obedience is imputed to us. Jesus is the true and better Abel who, though innocently slain, has blood now that cries out, not for our condemnation, but for…
Family Videos
Here are some of our latest videos from this summer.
Creativity in Schools
I’m not sure what I think of all of this, but it’s really interesting to me. I’m planning on asking my alternative certification teachers about it. As public school teachers, would they be offended or do they see some of the same things themselves? I know that in my observations, I’ve seen teachers who are…
Kesleigh’s First Birthday
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since she was born. I uploaded all the pics to our shutterfly photo site: http://cornphotos.shutterfly.com/5796 Also thought I’d post a couple of videos: Kesleighs First Birthday from Steve Corn on Vimeo. Happy Birthday Kesleigh! I can’t believe it’s already been a year. Here’s one of Kasen…
Family Update & Videos
Here are some fun things to tell you about: I got up to go to the bathroom the other day and when I returned, this is what I found. Isn’t she the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? Kesleigh loves Kleenex from Steve Corn on Vimeo. Kasen has been watchin’ the Olympics this past week and…
Kesleigh is Walking!!!
She’s just over 10 and a half months old now and she’s ready. She doesn’t like to crawl anymore and seems to want to walk everywhere. The video shows some of her very first steps, but since that time a couple days ago, she’s done a whole lot more. It won’t be long before she’s…
Christmas Videos
Here are a few of our Christmas Videos: Kesleigh Unwrapping Gifts from Steve Corn on Vimeo. I hardly ever have any videos of Kesleigh so I posted this one first. Tyler Tackles a Snowman from Steve Corn on Vimeo. While we were in Tulsa for Christmas my nephews and niece built a great snowman. Tyler…
Christmas Video and Pics
I had to post this video of Kasen and Kesleigh. He was so excited to get the “tractor” he had been asking Santa for. He also thought h was such a big boy when he got to take Kesleigh for a ride. She loved it too. Kasen takes Kesleigh for a Ride from Steve Corn…