The deep longings we have to know and be known by true friends, comes from God. We were created for community. Small groups is where we experience Bible Study, Community, and Care. Jesus is the bread of life, but it is His community that serves it to us. Here’s the text of the message: It was the…
Tag: care
I love it when someone can convey a message with nothing but questions. Here’s a blog from seth godin that does just that: How do I persuade you? Do I show you a powerpoint filled with bullets? Or give you a spirited sales pitch while looking you in the eye… Perhaps I should send a…
Stories I Need to Tell – Swan
One of the classic questions used by youth ministers in “get to know you”-type games is this: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why? My standard answer to that question comes from an experience I had in a park one day. I was feeding the ducks out on a dock…