I post this every year, but still think it’s worth reposting: Inspired by my friend Heather Zempel who posted a similar list, I decided to create my own list of things everyone should experience sometime in their lives during the Christmas season. I have already experienced some of these, but some are things I hope to…
Tag: Family
Small Prayers
Over the last couple of years, I’ve been praying for a job. I prayed that prayer for so long and with such desperation that I quit praying for smaller things. I was focused. I knew that God would provide, but as often as I was reminded of my situation, I prayed for it. And in…
Kesleigh’s Words
I did a similar post about my kid’s command of the English language a few years back. This one focuses on Kesleigh’s words. I love listening in as she discovers new words and I want to capture these moments here so I can remember them later. I’ll never get these years back and once she…
Miranda – Draft Written in Nov 2009
I really believe that the most amazing woman in the world has married me. We’re coming up on 6 years of marriage and I’m more and more amazed by her each day. Let me tell you about the her most recent extravagant efforts: As many of you know, we’re going through a tough time right…
Gulf Shores Pics
I got the pics from our Gulf Shores Trip uploaded: Click the pic to see the album on Facebook.
Kasen and Kesleigh love playing in the water. We went to our friend’s birthday party earlier this week and Kasen was the smallest kid on the Big Slide. He was so proud of himself. (Makes daddy proud too) He really had to work up the courage to go down on his tummy, but he did…
Father’s Day Surprise
If you’re reading this on Facebook, please go to the actual blog post. The audio will not work on Facebook. http://stevecorn.com/2011/07/fathers-day-surprise/ Miranda helped Kasen and Kesleigh record an audio book for me for Father’s Day. It was a big surprise. It’s actually a book that Miranda bought that was set up for the recording process….
Road Trip Rules
Summer is the season for road trips and so I thought this little post might be helpful – Or at least a little fun. I don’t know about you, but it seems like every time I load the car, I start feeling a little like Clark Griswold. “We’re all gonna have so much . ….
The Wind
After church today, we came home and went outside in the back yard. Here’s the conversation I had with Kasen. (3yrs) Kasen: Daddy, where does the wind come from? Me: I don’t know Kasen. We can’t see it, but we can feel it. Kasen: We can’t see Jesus, but we can feel him too. Wow!!…