Esther was Trafficked! Esther is remembered for standing up to a foreign king on behalf of her people. She is regarded as a hero and rightfully so, but most of the time that her story is told, we skip over the fact that she was trafficked. Think about it. Originally, Esther was a humble little…
Tag: girl
Valentine’s Dance
I watched her giggling across the room as she danced. The flashing lights sparkled in her eyes which lit up as she noticed me watching her. Her smile expanded even wider. She floated across the dance floor and threw her arms open to me saying “Hold me daddy!” We danced. Well….I danced and her feet…
Kesleigh’s Words
I did a similar post about my kid’s command of the English language a few years back. This one focuses on Kesleigh’s words. I love listening in as she discovers new words and I want to capture these moments here so I can remember them later. I’ll never get these years back and once she…
Precious Cargo
Here are a couple of pics I had to post. I guess it’s that proud father thing coming out of me.
Trembling Hands
The trembling hands awkwardly grasped the air. . . faithfully reaching into the unknown. I stood there again, behind the cold glass, looking in on my precious new baby. Kesleigh Anne was born last night around 11:03pm. It was now about 2:30am. The hospital halls were silent and I just watched. I watched my baby…
Kesleigh Anne is Here!!!
. Our beautiful baby girl was born last night – Feb 23rd @ 11:03pm. She weighed 7lbs & 7 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. I posted our first photo album here: We also have a friend who took some professional pics. Check them out on her photo blog. . Here’s one of…