The Wind

After church today, we came home and went outside in the back yard. Here’s the conversation I had with Kasen. (3yrs)

Kasen: Daddy, where does the wind come from?

Me: I don’t know Kasen. We can’t see it, but we can feel it.

Kasen: We can’t see Jesus, but we can feel him too.

Wow!! We’ve had a similar conversation before, but I didn’t think he’d remember it all so clearly. I told Miranda about it and she said she had talked to him about it as well. It makes me so excited to see him understand so much about God at such an early age.

The sermon today was from John 3, where Jesus is talking to Nicodemus about the work of the Holy Spirit and relating it to the wind. Seems like the wind is what God is wanting us all to remember today. I love it when His voice is so clear!!

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