I got the pics from our Gulf Shores Trip uploaded: Click the pic to see the album on Facebook.
Tag: corn
Kasen and Kesleigh love playing in the water. We went to our friend’s birthday party earlier this week and Kasen was the smallest kid on the Big Slide. He was so proud of himself. (Makes daddy proud too) He really had to work up the courage to go down on his tummy, but he did…
Zero Negative Footprint
“You’re so negative!” Miranda’s words hung over me for a few days. It was just a couple of weeks ago. I had posted a few updates on twittter/facebook and after reading another one, Miranda responded. . . Loudly. . . Accusingly. And if I’m man enough to admit. . . Correctly. My wife has the…
Father’s Day Surprise
If you’re reading this on Facebook, please go to the actual blog post. The audio will not work on Facebook. http://stevecorn.com/2011/07/fathers-day-surprise/ Miranda helped Kasen and Kesleigh record an audio book for me for Father’s Day. It was a big surprise. It’s actually a book that Miranda bought that was set up for the recording process….
The Hardest Question
Guest Post from Miranda: It all started with Kasen asking me, “Who is your brother mommy?” Mommy: Well Kasen, you know my brother – it’s Uncle Jared. Kasen: Well who’s your mommy? Mommy: Gigi. Kasen: Who’s your daddy? Mommy: Papa Kasen: Who’s daddy’s mommy? Mommy: Grandma. And then I saw the lightbulb and Kasen said,…
Moon Mission Cut Short
Well…it looks like my 6th grade Social Studies Moon Mission (see my previous post) will be cut short. A couple of weeks ago, the principal came to me and said that although she’d like to rehire me, the school district (BISD) would probably not allow it. The district must cut quite a few positions and…
Halloween and Fall Pics 2010
Mom wanted me to post a few pics of my kids so here they are:
Kesleigh’s Words
I just wanted to capture some of the words we have the privilege of hearing each day from Kesleigh as she learns to talk. Wasss = Watch Buttbole = Football Rassss = Trash Assss = Our neighbor, Ashley Bubba = brother BuBi = Bible Deuce = Juice Whatwoe – Waffle Seuss = shoes Mahss =…
Family Videos
Here are some of our latest videos from this summer.