Zero Negative Footprint

“You’re so negative!” Miranda’s words hung over me for a few days. It was just a couple of weeks ago. I had posted a few updates on twittter/facebook and after reading another one, Miranda responded. . . Loudly. . . Accusingly. And if I’m man enough to admit. . . Correctly. My wife has the ability to cut right through my facades and break me open. (and I’m exceedingly grateful for her.)

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about how my attitude affects my experiences. If it impacts my own experiences, what does it do to the rest of my family? My friends? The world around me?

I’ve heard of people making it their goal to have a “zero carbon footprint” in regards to their use of things that harm the environment.

What would the world look like if we all worked toward a “Zero Negative Footprint?” What if we were able to stop our negative interactions with people? How do negative attitudes harm our relational environment? What if everyone you came in contact with was encouraged or impacted in a positive way by your interaction?

Somehow, I think this is the way Jesus must have lived. Scripture is full of people who were impacted positively by Him. Even the Pharisees were given tough love (ultimately positive) by His discipline. To be a Christian is to seek to live as Jesus lived. Although He is the only person to ever walk the earth with a “Zero Negative Footprint,” He is our example, our guide.

“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Being positive is tough. It’s counter-cultural. But it also changes people. It changes attitudes. It’s contagious! Murphy’s Law no longer applies to anything. God’s law is much bigger! It’s the difference between being a critic or an encourager.

Miranda’s words are still looming over me, “You’re so negative!” but I’m working on it. God is working on me. I’m grateful.

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