Just wanted to put this other great pic up!
Tag: corn
A New Leadership Course
Sunday, I started a new leadership course. I’m not sure how I’ll be graded or even what is required, but I do know that this class will continue for the rest of my life. It’s not one that I can spend a few hours on each week either – it’ll require total commitment. The class…
Kasen Mathew’s Birthday!!!!
Born: Nov 4th, 2007 Weight: 7 pounds, 12 ounces Height: 20.5 inches. Here are some pics: . . .
A Tap on the Glass
It was just a tap on the glass, but it was so much more! Yesterday, is a day I’ll never forget. My beautiful bride gave birth to Kasen Mathew (our first child) at 5:08pm. He was 20.5 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces. It had been an incredibly long day as she worked…
DISC Profile
We also did the DISC Profile personality assessment in class the other night. My scores were: Dominate – D = 42 Influencing – I = 41 Steady – S = 19 Compliant – C = 18 I’m clearly a “DI” personality – (Dominate Influencer) According to this test I am a fast, risk-taking guy…
Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Over the years, I’ve done quite a few different spiritual gifts assessments. The one we did tonight in class was a “blind” test. (One where you don’t know what gifts you’re answering about) It also included a large list of gifts and defined them a bit differently than the one I normally wok with. Here…
Lions and Leadership
I wrote a post quite a while ago called “Lions Little Boys and Me” that talks about the difference between boys and men. There’s quite a bit which leads me to the conclusion that, “Boys live life trying to prepare for when Satan attacks them, and men live planning their attack on the lion. It’s…
My Mentor Meeting with Mike (01) – Technology in Preaching?
Don’t you just love the alliteration in that title? (Sorry, it’s doesn’t take much to distract me.) I asked Mike Mathews to be my mentor for my next series of classes and he called me last week to arrange a time to get together. We had breakfast this morning and it was a great time….
Stars and Vision
The other night Miranda and I decided to go out to eat in Pearland. Montana, one of the youth, was bored and called us so she ended up going with us. As we drove back towards Lake Jackson, Miranda said that it would be a beautiful night to look at the stars. We were pretty…
My Beautiful Bride Today
Miranda was exceptionally beautiful to me today. I’m not sure what the deal was, but today she looked even more incredible than normally. Maybe it’s this “radiant glow” thing that people say happens with pregnant women. Maybe it was what she was wearing today or the attitude/outlook she had on life today. Maybe it was…