About 17 years ago, I went to the National Youth Workers Convention for the first time. It was in San Francisco that year. Anyway, while I was there, I went to a workshop on creativity by a guy named Craig McNair Wilson. It was the “Imaginuity” Workshop. Anyway, many of his ideas have really stuck…
Tag: corn
Patch Adams Leadership
Patch Adams is a great example of leadership. He is determined to chase the dream/vision of helping people. When he fixed a cup and was called “Patch,” he realized he could help people. This identity gave him the confidence to chase after this vision and propelled him into all kinds of circumstances. He thought outside…
“Under the Influence”
This was just a random thought I had today. Leadership has been described as “influence” in some of my classes, so now when I hear the phrase “under the influence” I don’t think of an alcoholic – my mind takes me to another place – I start thinking about people who are under the influence…
Are you Smart enough to Feed the World?
Check out this website – you can answer some vocabulary questions and feed the hungry. For every question you get right, they donate rice to feed the hungry. If you’ve got a little time, you can feed quite a few people in just a few minutes. It’s pretty fun too. http://www.freerice.com
Church Leadership
Since I’ve been studying leadership, I’ve been paying a little more attention to how things are done at my own church. Our church is no different from any other Methodist church in that their main leadership roles are positions which are held for no more than three years – most are only 1 year positions….
Like Father like Son
Kasen is looking more like his daddy everyday. Ha! Ha! Had a little fun with photoshop.
Student Leadership
We’re doing a short little series on leadership with the students in our church and so I’ve been teaching some of the things I’m learning in class. It’s been fun ’cause some of them are really into it. They’ve got lots of good questions. We also started a group this week for those who want…
Dreamers and Visionaries
In his book Visioneering, Andy Stanley makes a clear distinction between these two. “Dreamers dream about the world being different, but visionaries envision themselves making a difference. Dreamers think about how nice it would be for something to be done. Visionaries look for an opportunity to do something.” I wanna be a visionary. He goes…
Relationships and Vision
I started back to class last night and had a great experience once again. This class is going to focus on Relationships and Vision in Leadership – the horizontal parts of the leadership compass. I’m excited about it ’cause these are the areas I’ve stressed over my years in ministry. It’s hard to lead people…