Gosh! What are the Jehovah’s Witnesses gonna do now? Do I have your attention now? No, I haven’t given up my faith. I’m not saying God doesn’t exist. I just learned something new in my Theology class last night. The word “Jehovah” was actually never intended to be used to refer to God. Here’s how…
Tag: corn
Theology 3330 – pt 01 and 02
Pt 01 Check out this picture of me as a little kid. I couldn’t get out of that bucket without knocking it over and crawling out. I had gotten in a little too deep for my own good. (I’m not even sure how I got in there. – Probably, with a little help from my…
Bricks and the Sabbath
Here’s some stuff I learned from a podcast with Rob Bell regarding Sabbath. Sabbath is a “gift” from God. It’s not about this day or that day or the details of how you spend it (Anytime legalism enters the picture, it becomes a “duty” and not a “gift” anymore.) God gave Israel the Sabbath when…
Here’s the info I spoke on last Sunday Night. I got it all from a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio – the founder of the Passion Worship movement. 1 – milky way galaxy Psalm 19:1-4 – New Living “The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day…
How should we live as Christians? What banner should we wear everywhere we go? Here’s something I found. A young African pastor had this posted somewhere in his house where he’d see it regularly. My Commitment as a Christian I‘m part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the line. The…
Stories I Need to Tell – Drift Diving
Here’s a pic of my and my brother diving in Cozumel. I’m the one waving at the camera. It’s been quite a while for me, but one of my favorite things to do is scuba dive. Quite a few years ago I went on a diving trip with Brenda (my sister), Roger (my brother), Kathy…
Under the Overpass
Miranda and I read this book – well, Miranda read it out loud as I drove to Ft. Worth this past weekend. It was a great way to pass the time and was a really good story. Mike Yankoski was regular middle-class college student. He was sitting in church one day and the sermon made…
How powerful is a journey? That’s what I’m thinkin’ about today. I mean, the disciples were regular guys until they journeyed with Jesus for 3 years. After that, they changed the world. Of course the power in that last sentence isn’t in the journey, but in Jesus. But still I wonder why Jesus chose to…
Stories I Need to Tell – Swan
One of the classic questions used by youth ministers in “get to know you”-type games is this: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why? My standard answer to that question comes from an experience I had in a park one day. I was feeding the ducks out on a dock…
I’ve been thinking alot about “comfort” lately. I’m not real sure why, but here are some of my thoughts: Matt Redman wrote a song quite a few years ago with one line that really stuck out to me – “I’ve crafted myself a more comfortable cross.” When I first heard the song I thought about…