Erwin McManus spoke at the RightNow conference in Dallas 2008 and shared a great message that solidified some of the things I’ve blogged about in the past. Here’s my summary of his talk: Acts 17:16 – “While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full…
Tag: corn
Walking, Presence, Ice Cream, and Gratitude
Over Christmas I noticed something. Now that Kasen has learned to walk, we enjoy going out together to explore the world. I have to walk at a pretty slow pace so he can keep up, but it’s a lot of fun. Anyway, I noticed that when we walk together, I’m always looking up at the…
Consistently Emmanuel
“Emmanuel” – This name for God is always popular around Christmas because it means, “God with us.” It makes sense that people would remember Him with this name during this time of year since Christmas is a celebration of Jesus coming to earth – God being present with us. I’ve been studying Joshua quite a…
Routine and Surprises
I’m 39 years old now. There’s really not much in life that surprises me. Life has become very routine. It’s a good routine, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still a routine – well, for the most part. Even when things don’t go as planned, they really don’t typically surprise me. My bride and my…
Blog Wordle
Here’s a “Wordle” of the “Random Thoughts” category of my blog. Just go to and add some text to create your own. It’s pretty fun!
Faith and Fear
In his book, Paul the Leader, J. Oswald Sanders says, “The man who does not know fear cannot know courage.” (p.44, 1986, 4th printing, Navpress) I have always believe myself to be a courageous man. My brother and I grew up daring/encouraging/shaming each other to try the next more dificult feat. I want my…
Corn Christmas Elf Video
Need a good laugh?? This is hilarious!! Just click on the link here: Corn Elf Video
In his book “Wild Goose Chase,” Mark Batterson brings up something that really struck me. He says that the reason we take things for granted is because they have been so consistent. I think it’s true! I take it for granted that my bride will get up when Kasen cries in the middle of the…
Kasen’s Year in Review
Here are some things I’ve written during Kasen’s first year of life. If you wanna see more, just click on the links and they’ll take you to the original post. If you’re interested in a Pictorial Review click here: Nov 5 – Oh no! I don’t know the first thing about raising a child….