Kasen Tells the Christmas Story

I told the story tonight before we sent the kids to bed and Kasen wanted me to tell it again. When I explained that it was bedtime, he began telling the story again himself. I caught the second half of it on video here.

A Secret

It was an intimate moment. Miranda cupped her hand and leaned in to the ear of our 2yr old son, Kasen. She spoke gently, “Kasen, I have a secret.” He watched her intently. Drawing it out and emphasizing each word, she said, “I. . . love. . . you!” Kasen pushed in close to her saying, “Mommy, I have a secret.” Miranda anticipated the approaching moment and heightened her sense of awareness. She wanted to remember every detail of this one. With the same slow emphasizing pace, Kasen said, “I. . .want. . .candy!”

Ha! Ha! I think it’s hilarious and just had to share it with everyone.

Precious Cargo

Here are a couple of pics I had to post. I guess it’s that proud father thing coming out of me.precious-cargoprecious-cargo2

Proud Daddy

I’m turning into one of those guys who everyone dreads to see coming ’cause you just know you’re gonna have to look at more family pics. Oh well – I guess I’m that guy.Daddy_sings02ChillinWave

Secret O’ Life

I don’t know what it was, but something about this song made me start crying in the car the other day. I was looking for songs I could learn to play and sing with Kasen and thought about “Sweet Baby James.” After listening to it, this one came on.

Anyway, God has been showing me how to live in the present lately and truly be in the moment. Maybe it has something to do with watching Kasen’s emotions jump from total contentment to crying out hysterically, and back to laughing all in a matter of about 30 seconds. I mean – how does that work? He is totally present in the moment and everything he experiences is right there on his face. Someone once told me that if I was feeling happy, I should notify my face and put on a smile. That’s not a problem for Kasen though – he’s totally transparent. Why is it that we as adults have learned to hide it all? Everything about our lives seems to be about “playing the part” or “fitting in” and so we put on these “poker faces” that hide our true feelings. How would life be different if we decided to be vulnerable? What if I lived completely in the present – truly experiencing and feeling everything completely? Did Jesus live this way or was He worried about His reputation so much that He hid His true feelings?

Anyway, this song makes me think about enjoying every moment. Experiencing everything life has for us. Enjoying the present without regard to the past or future. Of course James Taylor didn’t mean it in a spiritual way, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t hit on the truth.

Secret O’ Life by James Taylor

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time

Any fool can do it

There ain’t nothing to it

Nobody knows how we got to

The top of the hill (except those who believe in God)

But since we’re on our way down

We might as well enjoy the ride

The secret of love is in opening up your heart

It’s okay to feel afraid

But don’t let that stand in your way no

‘Cause anyone knows that love is the only road

And since we’re only here for a while yeah

Might as well show some style

Give us a smile now

Isn’t it a lovely ride

Sliding down

And gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Now the thing about time is that time

Isn’t really real

It’s all on your point of view

How does it feel for you

Einstein said that he could never understand it all

Planets spinning through space

The smile upon your face

Welcome to the human race

Isn’t that a lovely ride

Sliding down

Gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Isn’t that a lovely ride

Oh mama yes

See me sliding down

And gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time

A New Leadership Course

Sunday, I started a new leadership course. I’m not sure how I’ll be graded or even what is required, but I do know that this class will continue for the rest of my life. It’s not one that I can spend a few hours on each week either – it’ll require total commitment. The class I’m referring to of course is fatherhood. Kasen was born Sunday night and so I’ve begun this new journey. It’s much more than a leadership class, but that will be at least part of it.

As I look back, I recognize the leadership that my dad gave me as I grew up.  I’m sure I could never recognize all that he did, but let me talk about a few things:

He taught me how to play baseball. (I’m actually left-handed, but play the way he taught me – right-handed.) He coached my little league teams in football, t-ball, and baseball. He read stories to my brother and I at bedtime. (That’s me on the left with the dark hair.) He showed me how to “play” and that adults could “play” too. He laughed alot and showed me how. He taught me how to do woodworking stuff. He taught me that families need to do long road trips together.

He taught me so much more, but you know. . . . .as I think about it, I realize that it’s not so much the outward things he taught me or did for me that I’m most grateful for. I’m most grateful for the example that he gave me – for his character. My dad taught me about God – not by talking about Him, but by loving me unconditionally.  As he shouted and cheered for me on the football field, I understood how much God loved me and cheered for me. He showed me forgiveness and I learned about being childlike (as Christ calls us) by watching him play with my friends and laugh with us. I’ll probably never understand the depths of my dad’s influence on me and on my perception/understanding of God. My dad truly led me, but most people who knew him probably wouldn’t have called him a leader. He led out of his character and through his relationship with us. His leadership is evidenced in all three of his children. My brother, sister, and I, all work with kids and love serving God by guiding and leading/influencing others. I pray that I can be like him. I want to lead others to know God not just with my words, but by the way I live.

This new class I’ve started is one that millions of men have registered for throughout the centuries. It’s probably the biggest opportunity to influence a life that any of us will ever have. I wish the world recognized it’s importance – too many men have failed. I want to be a man who does not fail – one who truly places this leadership role as a priority.

Prayer: Lord, show me how to “be” – Who to “be” – and give me strength/courage/and whatever I’ll need to “be” what you’ve called me to “be” in this role as “leader” of my family and child. PS – thank you for the incredible blessing of Kasen! Cover him with Yourself. Protect him from evil. Guide Him to a knowledge of Your son Jesus Christ. Allow me to be a consistent presence in his life that represents You to him. Bring other people into his life who will lead him to a deeper/saving relationship with You. AMEN!

PS – I had an incredible experience this weekend as Kasen was born. I cried tears of joy over and over. The one thing I cried sad tears about was that this experience made me remember my dad again. (He died of leukemia.) I thought about things I haven’t thought about for years and wished he could have been there with us. I wish he could look into Kasen’s eyes, and I wish he could play football with him and read stories to him and roll around in the front yard being silly with him. I guess this is God’s way of saying to me that I should be intentional about doing those things. I can’t imagine that anyone ever gets to the end of their life and regrets the time they spent playing with their children – I certainly won’t – I will play just like my dad. (Doesn’t that make you smile? I know it makes dad smile, and I’d be willing to bet that it makes God smile too.)

It’s a Boy!!!

Yep – we found out yesterday, that we’re gonna have little boy! All his parts are in correct order too. He has two kidneys, a stomach, a spine, two arms and legs, etc. . . I was even able to see the four chambers of his heart. It was all pretty amazing. They said he was 10 ounces right now so considering that I drink lots of 20oz drinks, I figure that means I could drink him twice right now. (Sorry, maybe I’m sick, but I thought that was kinda funny.)

Anyway, we’re kickin around the name Kasen Mathew. Let me know what you think. That’s why we haven’t decided for sure. We wanna see what the name means to people and what kind of memories or thoughts it stirs up. According to my research it means (1) “purity” in one language, (2) “shining upon mankind” in another and (3) “protected by a helmet” in another. The middle name “Mathew” is Miranda’s maiden name.

Anyway, here are some pics. I know, I sound like an idiot proud father here, but I guess that’s what I’ve become. This first one is his profile.

Here he is smiling at the camera. (Seriously, you could see him opening and closing his mouth.)

He waved at the camera in this one. His hand is near his face.