I learned a little Hebrew today. Thought it was worth sharing. “Torah” = “Law” in Christian Bibles, but in a Jewish bible it’s almost always translated “teaching.” As Christians, we typically talk about the Old Testament law as the means by which God showed us, how much we needed a Savior. (“Cause we couldn’t live…
Tag: jew
“May the force be with you.” It’s a classic quote. With those 5 little words I have referred you to a concept found in the Star Wars films. Almost anyone in our culture would recognize the reference, without mentioning the film itself. Jesus often did the same thing. A practice called a “remez” (meaning “hint”)…
Jesus in the Passover – Maundy Thursday
I had the pleasure of leading our congregation through a Seder/Passover meal a couple of years ago. I put together a little booklet called a “Haggadah“ to explain the symbolism behind each element of the meal. I made the booklet into a slide show for anyone interested. I’d encourage everyone to step through it and…
Jesus – for the Jews or Gentiles?
Clearly the answer is that He came for both, but I still have some questions about Jesus which were raised by something I learned last night. Matthew 10:5 – Jesus sends out the disciples to tell people that the Kingdom is near, but He tells them to only go to the Jews. Matthew 28 –…