Need a good laugh?? This is hilarious!! Just click on the link here: Corn Elf Video
Tag: Family
Kasen’s 1st Birthday
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I stood outside that glass in the hospital and wondered if I could really be a father. It’s been the best year of my life though. Miranda has been amazing too. I hope to write more soon, but for now, I’ll just post a few pics/video…
New Terrain
No matter where you are in life, you can probably say, “Wow! I’ve never been here before. Life has thrown some things at me, but I’ve never felt like this before.” It seems that even in our “normal” everyday lives, there’s still always something new – something different that turns things at a new angle…
Big Decisions
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had some great time with Kasen, but I’ve been a little concerned with his choice of toys. Maybe I’m just an overly concerned dad, but there are just some things worth being concerned about. Anyway, I decided to do a little test today. I placed quite a few…
We have been away from home for the past week. Hurricane Ike was gonna force us out, so we left early last Wednesday, hoping to miss the traffic from the coming mandatory evacuation. We decided to go to Ft Worth to stay with my mom. My immediate family is all there. It’s a strange thing…
Most of you probably already know this, but Miranda is pregnant again!!! Due date is Feb 24th! We’re incredibly excited! We’ve pretty well decided not to find out the sex this time and it’s driving Patti, my mother-in-law, crazy. She wants to start calling the child by name before he/she arrives, but Miranda and I…
Father’s Day – Savoring Family
I was at my in-laws house earlier today and we celebrated my first Father’s Day. There are all kinds of jokes about in-laws, but mine break all the stereotypes. They’re great! They have truly welcomed me into the family and I feel at home when I’m with them. (The only place I don’t feel at…
King of the Hill & Dad
Miranda, Kasen, and I went camping this past weekend with my family. All the Corns and Underwoods met together at Possum Kingdom Lake. It was great! Here’s a link for some of the pics. Memorial Day Pics. The downside is that a bunch of the pics aren’t here ’cause the camera flew into the lake….
This weekend, I experienced the sacred mystery of an amazing cathedral. Entering, I was first struck by the arches of east Texas pine stretching to a ceiling of endless blue. An easiness washed over over me and the world’s worries disappeared as I became overwhelmed by a sense of peace. We rested on old rocking…
The Family Bible
I was thinking a couple of weeks ago about the family Bible. Most people have this huge Bible that just sits around somewhere in the house, that is never used. I felt like God was telling me that Miranda and I needed to be more intentional about our time together and our Bible reading. I…