Big Decisions

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had some great time with Kasen, but I’ve been a little concerned with his choice of toys. Maybe I’m just an overly concerned dad, but there are just some things worth being concerned about. Anyway, I decided to do a little test today. I placed quite a few toys in front of him to see what he’d choose.Big_decision01_2


Ultimately, he made me proud. Who wouldn’t be proud to be the father of a boy like this! Not only did he pick the football, but he actually threw the vacuum cleaner to the ground too. Now that’s my boy! Big_decision_02_2

(Of course, if you read between the lines here, you probably realize that my concerns originally included the vacuum – he likes that thing entirely too much to be a boy of mine. This is not the kind of thing he’s gonna be proud of when he’s a little older. Maybe I shouldn’t be documenting it like this either huh?)

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