I had some thoughts today – Miranda and I started our life together with a dance on our wedding day. Pretty early on in our dating life, we danced together. As we start this new part of our lives with Kasen, it kinda seems like another dance. We’re still learning the steps, and how to…
Tag: corn
In the church world, commitment is a highly regarded value. It’s tough to find people who are truly committed to a ministry and when you do – you hold on to them tightly ’cause they are a huge asset. But I wonder if it’s really commitment that we’re seeking? Here’s something Dr. Ayers said in…
Here’s one of Kasen’s first smiles! (Of course they say those are really just reactions to having gas, but. . . I guess he’s like his dad. . . he already thinks farts are funny!) We had a great Thanksgiving. We took Kasen up to Pearland to hang out with Gigi and Papa and got…
I’ve had a few more thoughts about the quote from class the other night. Here’s the quote again: Nathaniel Brandon, “In considering the many parental messages that may have a detrimental effect on a child’s self-esteem, there is probably none I encounter more than some version of “You are not enough”. . . The tragedy…
The other night in class we were talking about how a leader’s identity effects how he leads. How we view ourselves makes a difference. As a new father, this subject really jumped out at me. Dr. Ayers showed us a quote by Nathaniel Brandon, “In considering the many parental messages that may have a detrimental…
Kasen Pics
I put a link here, just in case you haven’t seen pictures of Kasen yet. Corn Family Pics
Tyranny of the Urgent
photo credit: Pulpolux !!! Charles E. Hummel writes, “We live in a constant tension between the urgent and the important.” He talks about a cottonmill manager who said, “Your greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out the important.” These ideas describe my life perfectly. I can rush from one great ministry event to…
Using my Gifts
Another assignment was to write about how we can more effectively use our gifts and God-given personality in our lives. Family I should begin playing guitar and singing more often around the house. Maybe even write some songs for Kasen. Miranda has been after me for years to play more often and specifically wants me…
Letter to God
OK – So evidently in class the other night (while I was in the hospital) Dr Ayers, gave a journal entry assignment to write a letter to God describing how we feel about our spiritual gifts and what areas we should improve. Here we go: Dear God, Gosh, that’s not near enough of a salutation,…