Big Day

First_outingKasen had a big day yesterday!!

1 – He slept through the night!!!! 10:30pm ’til 7am!!
2 – His umbilical cord fell off.
3 – He had his 2 week birthday.
4 – He went on his first non-doctor outing. After youth that night, Miranda wanted mexican food so we went to La Casona. Kasen slept through the whole event, but we’re still pretty sure that he’s gonna really enjoy mexican food, like his mama.

(Thanks to Gigi for reminding us – We actually took him to “The Local” for lunch the other day, but had forgotten and so when we went to La Casona, we were braggingCar_seat_sleeping about how much of a big boy he was and how he could go out to eat – how this was his first big restaurant and we got pictures and everything and. . . . duh, it was actually his second big outing – I hope this isn’t a sign of what’s to come with the stupidity of his parents – Of course I guess it’s not so bad to be the kind of parents who celebrate every moment – even second outings.)

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