Our mission trip to Arizona was amazing!!! We took 28 people to the Tohono Oodham Reservation to work with children doing VBS. Our youth had to learn to give their testimonies and present the gospel in order to attend. Once we arrived on the reservation we were split into 3 different groups who each traveled…
Tag: corn
Honorary Father
Jayna asked me to stand in as an “honorary” father at her wedding this past weekend. It was truly an honor. Her dad, Buck, and I were great friends during his last few years. In those days, I had the pleasure of playing in a band with him. I was also youth minister to two…
Father’s Day – Savoring Family
I was at my in-laws house earlier today and we celebrated my first Father’s Day. There are all kinds of jokes about in-laws, but mine break all the stereotypes. They’re great! They have truly welcomed me into the family and I feel at home when I’m with them. (The only place I don’t feel at…
Watchin’ Fish
Kasen really loved watchin’ the fish today at the Bass Pro Shop.
Bucket List
I just saw the movie “The Bucket List” last night and thought I’d make my own list of things I wanna do before I “kick the bucket.” I’m sure this list will change over the years as different things become important for me, but I’m gonna at least get started with my list here. I’ll…
Kasen is Crawling!!
Kasen has started crawling. He’s coming up on his 7th month and now he’s definitely got it down. He’s been trying for a while, but now he’s figured it all out. Now we’ve gotta go through the house and kid-proof everything. Buy those little guards for the electrical outlets. Move little choke-able objects up higher….
King of the Hill & Dad
Miranda, Kasen, and I went camping this past weekend with my family. All the Corns and Underwoods met together at Possum Kingdom Lake. It was great! Here’s a link for some of the pics. Memorial Day Pics. The downside is that a bunch of the pics aren’t here ’cause the camera flew into the lake….
More of a Man
I just wanted to post the lyrics to this song ’cause I can totally relate. I could have practically written this song. Anyway, it’s really good. More of a Man – Andy Gullahorn I took my grandad’s twenty-two when I was in the second grade I shot a deer right in the heart rubbed his…
Miranda and I have become bikers. Miranda wanted an old-school big-seat beach-type bike for Mother’s Day so she went ahead and got me one for my upcoming Father’s Day too. We also got a little seat for Kasen and we’ve been having tons of fun driving him around. The helmet doesn’t fit too well, but…