I always thought it was a bit prideful of Paul to write things like – “follow my example” (1 Cor 11:1) and “join with others in following my example” (Php 3:17). Anyway, he says things like this throughout Scripture and it always bothered me a little, but last night in our small group it came…
Category: Random Thoughts
Breaking The Law
During class tonight, one of the guys sitting at our table (Beto) said something that I thought was pretty insightful. We were discussing our outlines of the book of James and he said something like this: “Do we break the law, or does it break us? It’s the standard of the law that breaks us.”…
I Miss my Baby
No, I don’t mean Kasen (He’s still in Miranda’s tummy) – I’m talking about my original baby – Miranda. I got to see her a little last week while we went with the youth to Meridian State Park, (notice the pic) but didn’t really get any alone-time with her. We didn’t really expect to either,…
Jesus Sightings
Here are some fun pics I found on-line of different Jesus sightings. Jesus on toast. Fishstick Jesus. Grilled Cheese Jesus. Potato Chip Jesus Underpass Jesus Ultrasound Jesus Frying Pan Jesus Oyster Shell Jesus. (Not sure I can even see this one. – Maybe “Modern-art-oyster-shell-Jesus”) Jesus on a Door. Tree Jesus Wall Jesus Cloud Jesus Asparaus…
The Word became Flesh
The idea of Jesus becoming flesh is a pretty basic tenant of our faith. It’s sometimes called the incarnation, but I heard something the other day, that made me think of it a bit differently. What if the incarnation is God’s example to us? Duh. That’s probably what He meant all along, but I’m so…
African Missionary
We had a guy named Hennie Venter at our church last night. It was an incredible night! First Baptist and Hope Fellowship joined us for pizza and a time fellowship with music from a few different groups, and then we heard from Hennie. He told us about how he came to Christ after being in…
Rob Bell
OK – I’ll confess. I really like Rob Bell. There are all kinds of opinions about him and I certainly don’t agree with everything the guy says, but something about the way he thinks. Something about his ideas. Maybe it’s his speaking style or humor, I dunno, but something really stirs things in my spirit…
Welcoming or Welcomed?
I had a random thought today when I was in the shower. (The shower seems to be a good place to think.) Anyway, I’m not even sure why, but I was thinking about what it means to be a “Welcoming Congregation.” For some reason, that phrase “Welcoming Congregation” was in my head. I don’t know…
Here’s the info I spoke on last Sunday Night. I got it all from a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio – the founder of the Passion Worship movement. 1 – milky way galaxy Psalm 19:1-4 – New Living “The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day…
How should we live as Christians? What banner should we wear everywhere we go? Here’s something I found. A young African pastor had this posted somewhere in his house where he’d see it regularly. My Commitment as a Christian I‘m part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the line. The…