African Missionary

We had a guy named Hennie Venter at our church last night. It was an incredible night! First Baptist and Hope Fellowship joined us for pizza and a time fellowship with music from a few different groups, and then we heard from Hennie. He told us about how he came to Christ after being in a gang called "Satan’s Slaves." He also shared some of his experiences as a missionary and specifically about a time when God had clearly spoken to him and yet a gang of people were coming to kill him. They were going to throw gasoline on him and burn him, but instead of running, he (by the power of God) was able to trust in what God had told him and stand up to the mob. It’s an incredible story. They recorded his talk and I attached it here so you can listen to him for yourself if you’d like.

Download HennieVenterAfricanMissionary.mp3   

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