I was able to share a message about God’s love based on the Book of Hosea to a group of teachers at my school . These are my notes: When Miranda and I got married, our pre-marital counselor said we need to learn to “Expect nothing, and appreciate everything.” He was right. I can’t tell…
Tag: teacher
A Teacher Prayer for the End of this Year – 2021
Lord, Like Moses standing before the Red Sea with Pharoah’s army at his heels, last August we stood before a school year with Covid restrictions and virtual students and we were overwhelmed. We were trapped with an ocean of obstacles ahead and Covid at our heels. “Impossible,” we thought. But you Lord. . . ….
Compass or Map
The goal of teaching is to enable and empower students to navigate this world with a compass, but I’ve been teaching them with maps. Here’s what I mean: As a teacher, I work very hard show my students the steps it takes to accomplish a task. The problem is that if they follow those steps…
Woodshop Update
I’ve been teaching woodshop for over 8 months now and thought it was probably time for a little update. YES!!! ALL MY STUDENTS STILL HAVE ALL THEIR FINGERS!! Long story short. I like it. I didn’t really know what to think when I was getting into it, but now that I’ve had a little experience,…
Teaching Wood Shop
“Working on my carpentry skills – wanna be like the Master!” I just became the “Industrial Technology” teacher at Clute Intermediate and I’m excited about the possibilities! As a former Social Studies teacher who has very little experience in wood shop, I never imagined myself in this sort of position. However, I love students and…
Teaching Job
Steve Corn Resume Principal’s Recommendation I have been working as a 6th grade Social Studies teacher for the last semester and will be “let go” this May due to the financial struggles of Brazosport ISD and the status of my contract. The decision does not reflect my ability to teach or work with my co-teachers/administration….
Orange Name Tags
No more orange nametags!!! I got a job!!! I’ll be working as a 6th grade Social Studies teacher at Grady Rasco Middle School beginning Jan 3rd, 2011! I’m excited about this opportunity for quite a few reasons but at least one of them is that I won’t ever have to wear the orange “substitute” name…
Jewish Educational System
I wanted to post something about how the Jewish Educational System worked. Once I knew this stuff, my understanding of Scripture seemed to be much stronger. Anyway, here’s a basic description. (Very basic) Bet Sefer – “House of the Book” (Ages 6-10yrs) In the Jewish culture of Jesus’ day kids were taught the Torah (first…
Leadership Compass
The leadership compass is the basis for the leadership model we studied at the College of Biblical Studies. North = Character South = Skills West = Relationships East = Vision A true leader is a man/woman of character and influence with leadership skills to move people into a new preferred future/vision. The intersections of these…
Expectations Matter – Two Words
Expectations Matter. Part 1 – Two words matter. (This will be a short series of posts.) Check out this psychological test! A professor doesn’t show up to teach one day @ MIT. The students are told there will be a substitute and they are each given a short bio describing their sub. It reads: “Mr….