Great Video about the Great Commission!! I especially love the advise – seems counter-intuitive until you hear them out.
Tag: corn
Rube Goldberg Video
Someone has too much time on their hands. Oh well – It’s still kinda fun to watch. I wonder how the little things I do impact the world around me?
Kesleigh Pics
I figured it’s time to post a few more pics of Kesleigh. These are the ones taken by our friend, Jenny. She’s an amazing photographer. You should check out her stuff or even set up a sitting of your own – she’s really good. Anyway, you can find her at You won’t be disappointed….
Micro Expressions
Did you know that our emotions come out in our faces? Of course you did. Poker players bank on it – looking for the “tell” in the other players faces. Everyone looks into the eyes of the one they love when they’re being told “I love you.” Why? So you can determine the sincerity behind…
Dunking, Cooking, or Baptism?
Yesterday, Miranda and I drove up to Pearland for a special day. Miranda’s brother (Jared) and Sister-in-law (Tiffany) were going to be baptized, and Mike (Miranda’s dad) was going to perform the baptism. Cool stuff huh? Well, as it turns out, it wasn’t very “cool” at all – it was actually very hot. When Tiffany…
Kesleigh’s First Week Pics
My mom said that Kathy, my sister-in-law,wants to see more pictures of Kesleigh. So here ya go Kathy – I hope you enjoy them!!! I uploaded an album from her first week home here: Kesleigh’s First Week. Kasen loves his new baby sister.
Story as a Guide
If your life were made into a movie, would you want to go see it? That was the tag line for a video series I just watched by Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) called “Let Story Guide You – Life is a Story. Make Yours Count.” It really resonated with me. Using Biblical…
Kesleigh Videos
Here are a few videos we’re taken over the past couple of days: Kasen Loves Kesleigh. Miranda’s First Look @ Kesleigh. Kesleigh’s First Cries.
Trembling Hands
The trembling hands awkwardly grasped the air. . . faithfully reaching into the unknown. I stood there again, behind the cold glass, looking in on my precious new baby. Kesleigh Anne was born last night around 11:03pm. It was now about 2:30am. The hospital halls were silent and I just watched. I watched my baby…