A pretty face makes more of a difference than you might think. See what you think of this: 51 women signed up for a study on communication. They would speak to an unknown man on the phone and chit chat about the weather, hobbies, etc. The women knew nothing of it, but the men who…
Category: Random Thoughts
Expectations Matter – Soldiers Command Potential
105 soldiers were participating in a 15 week commander training program in Israel. A psychologist informed the training officers who would be leading the program that they had assembled comprehensive information about each of the soldiers. Each soldier had been classified into one of 3 potential “Command Potential” categories: 1.) High Potential, 2.) Regular Potential,…
Expectations Matter – Two Words
Expectations Matter. Part 1 – Two words matter. (This will be a short series of posts.) Check out this psychological test! A professor doesn’t show up to teach one day @ MIT. The students are told there will be a substitute and they are each given a short bio describing their sub. It reads: “Mr….
2010 Resolution
I made a resolution to read through the Bible this year and I chose the Chronological reading plan which is offered on the youversion.com website (it’s FREE – they also have a mobile version). If you’re interested in joining me, here’s a list of all the plans you could choose from. Today, I finished Day…
RePost: Servant Leadership
In my teacher’s alternative certification classes, we’ve been discussing what they call the “1st Year Roller Coaster” and it reminded me of some of the things I learned in my “Christian Leadership” studies at CBS. I thought it was worth RePosting. Also called “Situational Leadership,” this model is intended to help managers/leaders guide new employees/volunteers…
Christian Gymnastics – The Balance Beam
Risk is essential if we are going to call ourselves Christians. In Psalm 127:4-5, God describes our children as “arrows” in our quiver. That means we’ve gotta be willing to send our children (and ourselves since we are God’s children – the arrows in His quiver.) out of the safety/comfort zones and into enemy territory…
Comic Books and Church – Between Frames
Seth Godin had a great post about marketing based upon some ideas from a book about comic books by Scott McCloud. In comic books, the action takes place “between the frames” and the reader ends up telling the story in his imagination as much or more than the author/illustrator. The reader moves the story from…
Selective Ignorance
Does it really matter which Hollywood couple is getting divorced this week? Or who had a fight with the paparazzi? (If your esteem hinges on the “Big Brother” conversations you have with people, then you’ve got more serious issues.) Does it matter which YouTube video is getting the most hits today? Do you really need…
According to Your Word
During a devotional time this morning, our Associate Pastor read 1 Kings 3:7-12 and something grabbed my attention that I’ve never noticed before. It was in verse 12. In the ESV it reads, “I now do according to your word.” The interesting thing is that in this portion of Scripture, God is speaking. God said…
rePost: Banner
With people making resolutions and new starts for the New Year, I thought this was a great example of the way we should seek to live out our lives so I posted it again. How should we live as Christians? What banner should we wear everywhere we go? Here’s something I found. A young African…