2010 Resolution

I made a resolution to read through the Bible this year and I chose the Chronological reading plan which is offered on the youversion.com website (it’s FREE – they also have a mobile version). If you’re interested in joining me, here’s a list of all the plans you could choose from. Today, I finished Day 42 which included Exodus 36-38 – the construction of the different items for the tabernacle. Over the past month, I have read Genesis, Job, and a portion of Exodus. I haven’t read each day, but haven’t missed too many days. I have also read more to make up for the days I missed so I’m still on track. So far, I’ve really enjoyed it. It’s usually about 3 chapters a day which is more than I’m used to reading at one time. This forces me to cover more ground and look for the bigger pictures in the Scriptures. It also keeps me from getting bogged down by asking too many questions about details and then missing the main points. I’m excited about the Chronological plan ’cause once I get into some of the other books, I think it’ll be fun to see how all the stories line up with each other. I’d encourage you to sign up with youversion.com and join me.

I plan on posting an update about once a month (maybe each time I complete another 10%) so that I will feel some positive peer pressure about keeping up with this plan.

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