Not the Place

You may see a group of cabins and a firepit, but I see people too. . . . friends gathered around that fire singing songs and sharing some of the deepest parts of their lives. The sound of that door springing open unleashes thoughts of 80’s hair bands blasting through a jambox and floods my heart with joy and the emotions I experienced in those cabins. I can smell the wind as it carries laughter through the trees, and in spite of my attempts to describe it, you will never be able to hear that laughter. And how could I blame you? You weren’t there.

I love being in certain places. There are places that conjure deep emotions for me and some that make me feel light and free. Each of these places is filled with memories.

As much as I try, I have found that I can’t really ever go back to those places though. I mean. . . yes. . . I can be in the same space and I can enjoy being there and remembering, but it’ll never quite be the way I remembered it. What I remember is not just the place, it’s the people who were with me and the circumstances around my life that shaped the way I experienced that place. Even if the place has by some miracle stayed the same, the people and circumstances around my life have changed and so I experience it differently.

David Wilcox says, “The measure of that place is the pleasure on your face.”

It’s not the place that makes it special – it’s the people and it’s God. What makes certain places stand out and become memorable to us is God’s hand stirring our hearts and guiding our thoughts/emotions as we interact with others in the space that we’re in. (By the way, even if you’re alone in the space, God is still with you.)


Eulogy – Jerry Allen – Roger’s Friend

The family has allowed me the opportunity to talk about the man I knew and loved and I am so thankful.

When I started reflecting on all the fantastic experiences we have had with the Corn family;  the family vacations, the amazing camping trips (Roger was an avid camper), or just simply hanging out at each other’s home.   I always come back to how those days ended after getting everyone tucked in and safe.   Roger and I, either alone or with many of you in the audience, sitting around a fire pit, looking up at the stars, and talking about the importance of family and how proud and blessed we were to be able to give our family these experiences.

Looking at Facebook and the comments about Roger – everyone is talking about how even keeled and calm he was every day.   And he was.    But not everyone was lucky enough to see behind the scenes efforts that gave him the confidence to say things like “Oh, It will be FINE”….  or “Yea… It’s all gonna work out”.   Roger would pour endless amounts of hours and work into researching and planning and mapping everything out so that it would be the perfect experience for his family and specifically his boys.   He was very meticulous about that; and every planned vacation or outing revolved around his boys getting that perfect experience.

Whether it was,

      • Skiing in Angelfire or Sip Pa Poo or Colorado
      • Scuba diving
      • Camping in a KOA in the back of Circus Circus in Las Vegas when it was 120 degrees
      • Having pine cone wars at the Grand Canyon
      • Eating ice cream in Lake City after going on the Jeep trails
      • Going to Yellow Stone and seeing Old Faithful and herds of buffalo
      • Taking the kids out tubing on Lake Texoma and finding the importance of not letting Shawn drive the boat….. Thumbs down means slow down Shawn.
      • Going on fantastic hikes in the mountains of Arkansas that ended in the most spectacular waterfalls and those amazing Dutch-oven pecan rolls….
      • Or playing football on the white sugary sand beaches of Gulf Shores because we could see sharks in the waves.
      • Not to mention the countless weekend trips to Cleburne State Park or Benbrook Lake for a quick camping trip and a few rounds of kick ball….

He planned all these trips so that his boys would grow up with shared family experiences of togetherness.   Remember these times fondly boys as he would want you to repeat them with your family when you have one.

Losing your father at such a young age is one of the toughest thing you will ever face.   There will be other chapters of your life where struggles will present themselves to you and your family, but you will make it through them.   In those times you are going to think… “I wish I could call or ask Dad about this …  He would know what to do.“ Look around this room boys…   Every man in this room carries a piece of your dad with them…   Pick up the phone…  Call… We are all better men for knowing Roger Corn and we will help without judgement or question, just as he would have done for our family.

That’s the Roger Corn I knew and loved… That’s the Roger Corn I will remember.

Eulogy – Tyler Corn – Roger’s Son

My dad had a procedure to take fluid out of his body on Thursday December 19th, he did not feel right after that and went to the hospital that following Saturday morning. He fought hard these past few weeks and I know that he is at peace now. The Wednesday before he had his procedure done me and him went to eat at a restaurant he picked out, we then went to get his mom a Christmas present. I will forever be grateful that I got to spend this day with him and eat one of his last good meals with him. I am also very happy that he got to see me graduate college this December.

For a few months he had been telling me how much I was going to like my Christmas present to that he got me. He seemed really excited for Christmas. His mom and sister also told me how much he talked about how excited he was for Christmas. The Sunday before he passed me, my brothers and my mom went to the hospital and opened the presents that he got us. We also got him a blanket that he used until the day he passed. I am very thankful that the last memory he has with me and my brothers was opening presents together.

I have many great memories with my dad and in the past 6 months he has been back to his old self. My dad played a very big role in making me the man I am today. He taught me how to live my life and although he had a few bumps in the road he was a great dad to me and my brothers and there was no doubt that he loved us. One year we were camping in Colorado and on the way there we heard the song simple man. Later that trip me and him were sitting around and he told me that he wanted me to live my life like the song simple man explains. I will always remember this moment and try my best to live this way.

Eulogy – Steve Corn – Roger’s Brother

As his brother, I don’t really have childhood memories that don’t include Roger. We were only 16 months apart so we shared everything – a room, clothes, and even friends. In my memories, he is in every scene. He is part of the furniture, one of the things that always remain. Yes, everything else changes around it, but he was always there. Always pushing me, challenging me, and making me better.

Yes, I was the older brother, but most of the time, it was Roger who would go first. When we were really little, I remember a swimming pool with a large diving platform. I watched all the adults and big kids jumping off the rocks and wanted to join them, but I was scared. So. . . as any good big brother would do, I convinced Roger to go first. I wanted to see how it went before I did it myself. Roger didn’t hesitate. He jumped off the rock, added a little spin move and landed safely in the pool below. I jumped after seeing him. His courage gave me courage. Without trying, he pushed me, challenged me, and made me better. This story sort sets the tone for how things would go for the rest of our lives.

Roger was almost always the first to do the daring things. He was the first to ride a roller coaster, the first to jump from the roof to the trampoline, the first to climb onto the sled when it was tied to the back of the motorcycle (mind you, there was no snow and sparks were flying all the way down the road beneath your butt). In his early years, Roger was the daredevil of the family. If you consider a trapeze artist, he was the guy flying through the air flipping all around. Me?? I was the guy watching in the stands and wishing I had the courage to try it. Roger waited ‘til his Jr year in High School to start running track and went to state. He tried out for the school play his Senior year and got a lead part. Brave doesn’t begin to describe Roger. He tried it all and found success in almost everything. He may have had some fears, but he didn’t let it control him. He walked on at Texas Tech and put in the work to eventually make the team. Roger was the first to get married (and by the way, that’s one of the most daring things he did). He was the first to have kids (even more daring.) These are the acts of a man who was confident. A man who is willing to take some risks. A man who had found something worth giving his life to.

As he grew older, and had more responsibilities, Roger became more like the catcher for the trapeze artist. When his family needed him, he was there to catch them, to support them, and to bring them back to safety. At work, he did the same thing for his students and his coworkers. As I have read comments online over the past couple of days, I’ve seen story after story of Roger’s impact on the people around him. He was a catcher. He may not physically be catching anyone, but he caught us all when we were struggling. On the day when we were kids and I convinced him to jump from the rocks into the pool, he was catching me – not physically, but my fears were overwhelming me, and his bravery caught my fears and encouraged me. When we laughed together, Roger was catching my insecurities and bringing me hope. When he told funny stories of stupid things students had done in his school, (and by the way there are a ton of those) When he told those stories, he was shedding light into the darkness that creeps into all our lives. Roger caught us. When our inner struggles were raging or even creeping in on us, when we felt like we were flailing through the air and out of control, Roger’s presence was a calming presence, a reassuring presence. He was catching us.

Some of you may not know, but back in June we almost lost Roger. He was in the hospital for several weeks and we didn’t know if he would make it. I spent quite a bit of time with him in those days. We had many conversations. We laughed. We cried. We remembered. We looked to the future. We talked about the things that were important to him. And at the center of it all were two things, his faith and his family. At that time, Roger made a decision to be very intentional about both. He knew that he had been given a 2nd chance and he didn’t want to waste it. In one of the quiet, sorta awkward, hospital moments, Roger shared a story with me that he had read. It was about a trapeze artist from a Max Lucado book called “Anxious for Nothing.” Here’s the quote:

“The secret is that the flyer does nothing and the catcher does everything. When I fly to Joe (my catcher), I have simply to stretch out my arms and hands and wait for him to catch me and pull me safely over the apron. . . . The worst thing the flyer can do is try to catch the catcher. I am not supposed to catch Joe. It’s Joe’s task to catch me. If I grabbed Joe’s wrists, I might break them, or he might break mine, and that would be the end for both of us. A flyer must fly, and a catcher must catch, and the flyer must trust, with outstretched arms, that his catcher will be there for him.” 

After explaining that story to me, he said, “Steve, that’s what I’m trying to learn to do.” He wanted to learn to trust the catcher, God. He understood that for his whole life, he had been flying through the air flipping around all over the place. Yes, it looked pretty sometimes and he masked it well by being a catcher for all of us, but he knew that on the inside, where it really matters, he had never really trusted God. That day, he decided to be different and he began a new journey. It’s not that he didn’t know the Lord before that day, it’s just that he knew there were more ways he could learn to trust Him. With this decision, Roger proclaimed an eternal truth: The catcher can be trusted. God can be trusted. On that day, Roger stretched out his arms, released the tension in his fingers and trusted the catcher. He fully trusted that Jesus would be there.

And isn’t that the Gospel? Jesus is the catcher. Jesus swung down into our world and reached into the muck and mire of our sin. He sees us flailing around in the air pretending that we have everything under control, and he rescues us. In spite of ourselves, he rescues us. Like the catcher, Jesus stretched out His arms too. The cross was the tool He used to reach us, to rescue us. And here’s the thing: He can be trusted. He is fully capable of catching us. No matter what ways you have twisted your life around or what ways the world has tossed and turned you, He can catch you and He can save you.

After that day, Roger was different. He had a new purpose. He began rebuilding his physical body, and his spiritual life, as well as his relationships. He read his bible more. His body was fragile, but he pushed it. His body was tired and worn out but he was motivated by his love for God and his love of his family to push through. In between medical procedures, he worked hard at loving the people around him. He was the Roger I had always known – pushing me, challenging me, and making me better. Roger actually started returning phone calls!! He even made some pretty long trips to show his appreciation for the people he loved! He may not have known it, but these last 6 months have been a gift to us. They allowed him to “set things right.” And they allowed us to see him as the man God intended him to be. It’s truly been a blessing. God is good.

Although Roger wasn’t perfect and certainly made some mistakes, He loved you all. Fiercely. He spent his life looking for ways to love you. He wanted to guide you boys and lead you to be a “Simple Kind of Man.” In the end, and in spite of his own physical suffering, Roger sacrificed over and over again to love and support you. And me too. Even up to the very end, he fought to live for the sole purpose of being able to give more of himself for us. This is love.

At my own wedding, Roger quoted something from a book called “Wild at Heart.” He said that every man longs for 3 things: an adventure to live, a beauty to rescue, and a battle to fight.

Roger has lived all of these things. He lived an adventure, he rescued the beauty, and he certainly fought some battles. He has had a full life and He has lived it well.

So what would Roger say to us? Roger always “went first.” Now, he’s done it again and left me behind watching as he goes on another adventure with Jesus. As the risk taker that he was, this is what I think he’d say.

When you get to the end of your life, it’s not the things you did that you regret. It’s the things you didn’t do: You didn’t get right with God. You didn’t catch the people in your life or you weren’t there for them in the times they needed you the most. You didn’t try that thing you always wanted to do. Whatever it is for you. I think Roger would say, do it. Do it now. Try it. Forgive them. Take the risk. Make it right with God. We don’t all get second chances like Roger did. . . .

Just a few days ago, on the morning of January 8th, Roger let go of the trapeze, stretched out his arms, and he completely surrendered to his faith that Jesus could catch him. Time stood still and everything slowed as he hung in the air, but even now, I sense the relief and the calm assurance that Roger must have felt as Jesus grabbed his arms and brought him safely over the apron. I can hear the echo of Jesus saying, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Well done.

The Sword of Gratitude

Darkness closes in. The silence is deafening. My vision is clouded. I can’t see a way out. Death marches on, threatening, intimidating, and piercing the very depths of my being. There is nothing I can do but wait. . . with heavy breathing and an anxious spirit, I wait for the inevitable. These are dark times. I shovel the darkness out as fast as I can only to discover that another onslaught of more darkness has already arrived in its’ place. I just keep shoveling, but I don’t seem to be making any progress. I am overcome by the throng pressing in and I can’t seem to find a footing.

What should I do? Or maybe the better question – What did Jesus do?

Luke 22 describes the events right before Judas’ betrayal – right before the crucifixion. When the darkness had amassed its’ hordes and was preparing to destroy  Him. . . when death came knocking, with the cross just ahead of Him, Jesus sat down to a Passover meal with His friends. There, He took bread and gave thanks.  Jesus took the time and gave thanks right before His ultimate battle with darkness.  Think about it. He could have done anything He wanted, but He chose to hang out with friends (disciples), remember all His Father had done (Passover meal), and give thanks. The sword Jesus wielded that night was gratitude. And make no mistake. . . gratitude is a sword. It pierces the darkness with light!

Think about it. Gratitude is worship. It’s a recognition of who God is and what He has done. This is worship. Even when we are grateful for a kindness of another person, those things are ultimately a picture of the Gospel. A “thank you” is the acknowledgement of an undeserved kindness, and that’s the Gospel – an underserved kindness. When we are surrounded by darkness, we can choose to try to shovel out the darkness or we can choose gratitude. When we thank God, we remember who He is and what He has done and we begin to reflect the glory of the Gospel. Jesus’ light pierces that darkness as our gratitude remembers, and praises and talks about His work and His character. Darkness trembles at His name. Darkness flees. There isn’t even a battle between light and darkness. Light wins every time. With even an ounce of light, darkness hides it’s face. Gratitude is the sword that defeats the darkness. Gratitude shines the light of Christ into every circumstance. Since it brings light, gratitude always wins in a battle against the darkness.  (nerdy sidenote: Gratitude is probably more like a “Light Saber” than a sword.)

Here are a few Scriptural examples of God’s people remembering and being grateful before a battle with darkness:

        • 2 Chronicles 20:22 – Jehoshaphat and his men praised God and then the LORD set an ambush against the horde.
        • Daniel 6:10 – When he found out He would be thrown into the lion’s den, Daniel thanked God.
        • Psalm 40; Psalm 69 – David thanks God and praises Him in song over and over again in the book of Psalms.
        • Joshua 5 – Israel’s priests and trumpets lead the army around Jericho before the walls crumble.
        • The Passover meal itself (instituted by God) is a thanksgiving remembrance of what God has done and who He is intended to give His people strength and reassurance in all their circumstances.

Thanksgiving/gratitude are also good for us ‘because they reframe our thoughts about our circumstances. When I spend time reflecting on all my blessings, the things God has done for me, the things He has given me, I enter life with a willingness to give and to be a blessing to others. On the other hand, when I’m not mindful of my blessings, I’m more likely to fall into the trap of comparing myself to others. In those moments I feel inadequate and sometimes even cheated. I enter life looking for what I can get out of the situation or what I can take for myself. Gratitude allows me to see the truth that in Christ I am “more than a conqueror” and He is “all that I need.”

Ann Voskamp has done some studies in conjunction with her book, “1,000 Gifts.” She asked people to write down 3 things they are grateful for each day for a year. In the end, they will have collected a list of over 1,000 gifts. Her theory is that this practice changes our outlook, our attitudes, our choices. . . in short, it changes our lives. Here’s a quote:

“If they wrote down just three things a day they were grateful for, they were less depressed, less suicidal, less apathetic, than those who didn’t practice lifestyle gratitude. . . . Research indicated that recording those blessings was cognitive training, a way of reorganizing your brain to focus on goodness. It increases an individual’s positive focus by 25%. . . . Those who practice this type of lifestyle gratitude have higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, optimism, attentiveness, energy, they were more motivated, likeable, other-oriented, forgiving, generous, helpful, more likely to volunteer, and more likely to give back. Giving thanks and giving back are ‘Siamese twins.’ They move as one.” – Ann Voskamp

Here’s a link to download a sermon I preached on this topic:

Gratitude, Hope, and Hospitals

Today my brother, Roger has travelled down to Lake Jackson by himself to visit us. (We’ve been in this house for close to 15 years and this is his first time to see it.) I’m grateful for the time we spent going to church, watching football, going out to eat, and just hanging out. He is not out of the woods yet, but he has come a long way. Today, he a different man than he was just a few months ago. He has a renewed faith. We are able to carry on great conversations.

Today, I’m grateful. I’m grateful for my brother. I’m grateful for our new relationship. I’m grateful for his effort to come down to see us. I’m grateful to God for progress and for hope.  Today, I praise God for all He has done and for His promise to be with us through all of our circumstances.

Matthew 28:20b – (Jesus speaking) – I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

1 Corinthians 13:7 – [Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Romans 5:3-4 –  . . . we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Reclaimed Wood – Reclaimed Hearts

Reclaimed Wood Fireplace at my House

I clutch the head tightly with the claw and strain to pry the nail out of the flesh leaving an open wound. Sometimes it splinters even more. The bent nails must be hammered from the opposite side in order to be removed. Reclaimed wood is rough, marred, scarred, scratched, discolored, beaten, and weathered. It’s not very pretty. However, when used in the right context, it can be beautiful. The scars give it character and tell a story. It has rich history. The wood cannot reclaim itself. I must do the work.

My heart is the same. God has been reclaiming my heart piece by piece since the day I chose to follow Him back in 1985. Like the nails that must be hammered from the opposite side, He works from the inside out. It’s a painful process. He is hammering, ripping, tearing, and prying out the damage that I’ve done to myself with my sin. It hurts. It’s not an easy process and sometimes I recognize new splinters in the painful ways that my sin had affected me without my knowledge. The Holy Spirit convicts me and He opens wounds within me, but then Jesus offers healing and has already provided the salve by covering my sin with His own blood.

Like the wood, I am rough, marred, scarred, scratched, discolored, beaten, and weathered. However, when I submit and let God put me in the right context, I become beautiful. I cannot do this on my own, but in His hands, I have character, a story, and a rich history that He can use for His glory. I become His creation as He molds me into His likeness in spite of my sin and in spite of my wounds. I am His and that makes all the difference.


If you had the power to be invisible, how would you use it? What would you do?

Give yourself a moment to come up with an answer before you continue reading….

Got it?

Determine a real answer for what you would do.



Character is exemplified by what you do when no one is looking. What does your answer say about your character?

I asked my woodshop students this question at school yesterday. I heard the same kind of answers all day long (All 7 class periods). They would:

1.) Steal things.

2.) Go to concerts, games, amusement parks, or flights without tickets.

3.) Stalk celebrities or watch them inappropriately.

4.) Listen in on private conversations from their friends.

My students had fun with the question and laughed about how cool it’d be to have that power. For the first few classes, I laughed and had fun with them too. However, as the day went on, I began to realize that no one seemed to be thinking in generous ways. No one seemed to care about the needs of others or about doing the right thing. No one wanted to hide from the bad guys and be a hero. I mean… How great would it be to secretly deliver a gift to someone and then watch their reaction?

In their answers, the power of invisibility was simply a license to get away with selfish behaviors.  I’ll ask the same question again. “What does this say about our character?” Who are we when no one is looking?

In the Scriptures, (Mark 12:42-43) we read about an little old lady who gave a small amount of money to God’s people, but it was everything she had. She was invisible and her gift was invisible, but it was this action (what she did quietly behind the scenes) for which Jesus commended her.

Who are you in the quiet? When no one is looking? Are you giving or selfish?


Holy Week – Sunday – Risen – Jesus is Better

Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-53; John 20:1-21:25

Early Sunday morning a group of women took anointing oil to Jesus’ grave. However, what they found was not what they expected. They would not be anointing His body that day. Instead, an angel rolled away the stone entrance to the grave and told them that Jesus had risen. He said that they should go and tell the disciples. Then, Jesus appeared to them Himself and they attempted to worship, but He told them to tell the disciples to go the Galilee and meet Him there.

Jesus was alive!! He was determined to confront all His enemies that week. He came up against the Pharisees, chief priests, scribes, Samaritans, Herod, Caiaphas, and Pilate. He had been betrayed by one of His own disciples and fought against sin even so far as being separated from His Father in death, BUT Jesus was alive! What does it mean for us if Jesus can do this?!?!?! HE IS GOD!

As we look back at the week, it seems clear that all along, Jesus was walking a very intentional path. He was choosing the cross and death with each decision. Jesus never wavered. In John 10:18, Jesus says, “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” It was always about His Father. He asked Him to “take this cup from me” but chose to honor His Father anyway saying, “Not my will, but yours be done.” (Matthew 26:39).  Jesus’ first allegiance was to His Father. This was His Father’s will. Jesus loved His Father so much that He was willing to give His life for Him and for us. God the Father loved us so much that He sent Jesus to be the bridge which would allow us (sinners) to be in His Holy presence. We can be in relationship with God  and are adopted into His family because Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave….” He loved so He gave. Jesus chose to live, to do ministry and miracles, to die, and to rise again, because of His great love for His Father and His disciples.

In His resurrection, Jesus proves that He is better. He is better than all His enemies – Pharisees, Herod, Pilate, etc. He is better than the ways of life offered by the world – possessions, money, fame, glory, fun – temporary enjoyments. He is better than the sin that we so often choose. He is better than friends, and family, and popularity. He is better than having a good reputation. No matter where we find ourselves: in sorrow, in sickness, in loneliness, in victory, in joy, in comfort, in riches, in power…. Jesus is always better. Jesus is better than anything and everything. Why? Because He is beyond. He is something other. He is set apart. Jesus is Holy. Jesus is different. He is God.

He is alive! He is Risen!

Jesus is better!

Song: His Heart Beats – Andrew Peterson

Partial Lyrics:
He took one breath
And put death to death
Where is your sting, O grave?
How grave is your defeat
I know, I know His heart beats

Partial Lyrics:
In all my sorrows, Jesus is better
make my heart believe
In all my victories, Jesus is better
make my heart believe
Than any comfort, Jesus is better
make my heart believe
More than all riches, Jesus is better
make my heart believe
Our souls declaring, Jesus is better
make my heart believe
Our song eternal, Jesus is better
make my heart believe

Holy Week – Saturday – Empty

Matthew 27:62-66; Luke 23:54b

There is simply not much written about Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath day which followed Jesus’ death. It’s an empty day. The hearts of His disciples were empty too. They were hurting and mourning. They were fearful for what their own future held and overwhelmingly disappointed as their hopes and dreams had been destroyed. It appeared that Jesus had not been all that they had believed. They were wrong. He was much more than they imagined, but they didn’t see it yet. Saturday was as empty day for them. Rock bottom. An interesting note though is the traditional reading which would have been brought up the Sabbath (Saturday) following Passover and prior to the First Fruits Festival which started on Sunday. The reading was from Ezekiel 37 where the Lord instructs Ezekiel to declare to a valley of dry bones, “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” (vs 5) Even in their lowest moments, when they were in shock over Jesus death, God was speaking to them about resurrection. Scripture doesn’t tell us, but I wonder what went through their minds as they heard these words that day in the synagogue? Did they think “Oh man, this is ironic.” or was there some sort of hope still lingering within them?

The chief priests, on the other hand were elated that day. They had accomplished their goal and rid themselves of Jesus. The only thing Scripture tells us about Saturday is that the chief priests went to Pilate to have him secure Jesus’ tomb. They tell Pilate that they remember Jesus saying that he would rise after 3 days  so they wanted a Roman seal and a Roman guard to make sure that the disciples didn’t steal His body and claim resurrection.

There are a few interesting points here:

1) Even with the Scripture reading reminder or resurrection that day, Jesus’ disciples didn’t seem to believe His promise about rising in 3 days, but His enemies were taking his words seriously.

2) The disciples have run away and are fearful of being arrested themselves. Are the chief priests really afraid of the disciples stealing the body or are they afraid that Jesus might actually rise from the dead?

3) David Guzik (in his commentary) makes this point. The power of Jesus’ resurrection overcomes physical obstacles (the stone), human authority (Roman seal), and human strength (Roman guard). Nothing stands in God’s way.

Luke 23:54b tells us that the disciples rested on the Sabbath day. I don’t believe it would have been quite so restful inwardly, but it seems as though they continued in the patterns and rhythms of life they had developed throughout their lives.

Inner monologue: In what ways do I live as though Jesus is dead? How often do I make decisions relying upon human strength or reason rather than on the power of God or upon His Word? Am I broken and empty when I imagine a world without Jesus or is it business as usual? Will the patterns and rhythms of life I’m choosing now be helpful when I go through tough times? How can I prepare myself to notice His work in the tough times? How can I hear His voice when all the other voices are so loud and my emotional state is overwhelming me?