Personal Story: This issue of emptiness was one of the biggest factors that drove me to the place where I gave my life to Christ and eventually chose to follow Him. Up to my years in Jr High, I had lived a pretty normal, suburban, middle-class lifestyle. My parents were married and remained together. I…
Be Saved
Steve’s Advice: The first and foremost piece of advice that I can give to anyone (This series is written for my kids in particular, but this one applies to everyone) is to BE SAVED!! We are all drowning. We are all killing ourselves with our selfish actions, our sin. You can’t “earn” your way to…
Arrows – Be Brave
Steve’s Word: I am very blessed to have my children. God has shown immense and undeserved favor to me in bringing my kids into my life. I feel humble and inadequate for the task of raising them to know Him and to bring Him glory, but by His grace, empowered by His Spirit, I will….
Not the Place
You may see a group of cabins and a firepit, but I see people too. . . . friends gathered around that fire singing songs and sharing some of the deepest parts of their lives. The sound of that door springing open unleashes thoughts of 80’s hair bands blasting through a jambox and floods my…
Eulogy – Jerry Allen – Roger’s Friend
The family has allowed me the opportunity to talk about the man I knew and loved and I am so thankful. When I started reflecting on all the fantastic experiences we have had with the Corn family; the family vacations, the amazing camping trips (Roger was an avid camper), or just simply hanging out at…
Eulogy – Tyler Corn – Roger’s Son
My dad had a procedure to take fluid out of his body on Thursday December 19th, he did not feel right after that and went to the hospital that following Saturday morning. He fought hard these past few weeks and I know that he is at peace now. The Wednesday before he had his procedure…
Eulogy – Steve Corn – Roger’s Brother
As his brother, I don’t really have childhood memories that don’t include Roger. We were only 16 months apart so we shared everything – a room, clothes, and even friends. In my memories, he is in every scene. He is part of the furniture, one of the things that always remain. Yes, everything else changes…
The Sword of Gratitude
Darkness closes in. The silence is deafening. My vision is clouded. I can’t see a way out. Death marches on, threatening, intimidating, and piercing the very depths of my being. There is nothing I can do but wait. . . with heavy breathing and an anxious spirit, I wait for the inevitable. These are dark…
Gratitude, Hope, and Hospitals
Today my brother, Roger has travelled down to Lake Jackson by himself to visit us. (We’ve been in this house for close to 15 years and this is his first time to see it.) I’m grateful for the time we spent going to church, watching football, going out to eat, and just hanging out. He…
Reclaimed Wood – Reclaimed Hearts
I clutch the head tightly with the claw and strain to pry the nail out of the flesh leaving an open wound. Sometimes it splinters even more. The bent nails must be hammered from the opposite side in order to be removed. Reclaimed wood is rough, marred, scarred, scratched, discolored, beaten, and weathered. It’s not…