Teaching = Walking on the Moon

I have been walking on the moon for the past 2 weeks. I lifted off from the comfortable ground of the church world and entered a new territory in the public school system. Oh yes, others have gone before me, but this is uncharted territory for me. I am treading new grounds, making tracks, exploring, and hopefully making a positive impact on the lifeforms I encounter. You may laugh, but yes, they are aliens. They dress differently, speak a different language, and look at me like I’m the strange one. It’s truly an honor to have been chosen to lead such an important mission – to develop new ways of thinking and explore uncharted territories.

I am a Rasco Rocket!

OK – enough with the allegory. I know some of you really want to know how my first few weeks of teaching have gone. Well. . . . I think it’s gone well. I’m still coming home with a smile on my face. I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I feel like I’m moving forward and learning new things every day. My students are great! They get a little out of hand sometimes, but I like them. I feel like I’m getting to know both the other teachers and my students. I’m well aware that I’m still in a “honeymoon” stage, but I feel like this is going to be a good fit for me.

Prayer: Lord, guide me. Give me patience with my students and give me experiences which will sharpen my skills and help me to become a great school teacher. Grant me favor with my students and with my team as well as the administration and other coworkers. Go before me and lead me. I truly want to honor You with this new role. I want to be a positive influence for all my students and will need Your help to do so. As I learn all these new skills, give me peace. When it seems overwhelming, intervene and help me to breathe again, to rest in You. AMEN.

3 Replies to “Teaching = Walking on the Moon”

  1. Steve
    You do not know me. I am a crossing guard at Roberts Elementary.
    I have heard that all the probationary teachers were notified that they will loose their new positions this year. Is that true?

    1. Ken,
      Yes. It’s true. I love my job and the principal would like to rehire me for next year, but BISD won’t allow it unless they can get more funding. They have to cut quite a few positions, and those of us on ” limited term” contracts (started in middle of the year) will be the first to go regardless of our teaching ability. I’m very disappointed and not sure how I’ll support my family. Praying God will provide another opportunity for me or a way for BISD to get the funding they need.

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