Another Big Week

It’s amazing watching Kasen grow up. It seems he does something new all the time. I never imagined that I’d ever find myself lying on the floor cheering for someone to roll over, but. . .it’s me. . .I’m that guy! I try to celebrate it all. This past week, he’s been rolling over more and more often – from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy. He even passed a little toy from one hand to the other and back again this week, but the biggest news: Can I hear a drumroll???. . . . . . . ………Kasen slept through the night in his crib all week long. 8:30pm ’til 7:30am – 11 hours!

Thank you God for my incredible son. I’m amazed every time he looks into my eyes. He actually cringes at the joy that rushes through his veins when he smiles in those moments. How could I deserve such an honor?  Thank you God! How can I live my life “smiling” like that at You? Lord, hold Kasen closely. Keep him healthy. Show Miranda and I how to be great parents and raise him in ways that honor You. Lord, I’m praying for Kasens health and that he comes to know You one day, but I’m gonna ask even more. Lord use him. Grow him into the kind of man who You can use to glorify Your name! AMEN.

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