My 10 Commandments

10commandments In class last night Dr. Loken asked us each to spend about 10 minutes and write our own 10 commandments around each of these 10 topics listed. It’s a good exercise; I’d encourage you to do it too. Here’s what I came up with:

1. Priorities – I will keep my personal relationship with God above my job.

2. Worship – I will worship outside the church.

3. Reverence – I will pay attention to the little things God has done. (Is there such a thing as a “little” thing?)

4. Time – I will faithfully continue my devotional time with Miranda.

5. Authority – I will respect the people God has placed above me, even if I disagree with them.

6. Life – When I have them someday, I will raise my children to know true life – that which only God can give.

7. Purity – When my thought life is tempted, I will seek the “way out” described by 1 Cor 10:13. “But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

8. Property – I will sacrifice my own stuff/desires so others can have more.

9. Tongue – I will speak what is right, true, noble, pure, uplifting/encouraging, and honoring to God.

10. Contentment – I will enjoy all that I have in spite of what the world tells me I need.

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