Da Vinci Code Lies

06-05-22Just thought I’d share some of the stuff I found and talked about at U-TURN.

Jesus was NOT married to Mary Magdalene.

Not even one of the 4 gospels makes any reference to this. And the interaction that you see between the two of them in John 20 – there’s not even a hint of this kind of relationship between them. Besides, the whole idea of Jesus being married doesn’t work ’cause we (the church) are the bride of Christ. We’re the ones He is going to be married to. When Jesus speaks of “going to prepare a place for us” it was a reference to a Jewish wedding custom where the groom would go and build an addition onto his fathers home where he and his bride would live. All this is to say Jesus is married to us – not Mary Magdalene. The idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene comes from some other books which are not included in our Bible. These books (The Gnostic Gospels) were written between 150ad and 400ad – long after the books we have in our Bibles. There is also no way of really knowing who wrote them. For example the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas couldn’t have been written by the disciple we know as Thomas simply because Thomas would have been dead by the time the book was written. The Gospels we have were all written Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – people who were eyewitnesses to the claims they were making.

The Council of Nicea was NOT the first time Jesus was considered to be God.

check back and I’ll finish this post later. . . . .

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