Kesleigh Pics

I figured it’s time to post a few more pics of Kesleigh. These are the ones taken by our friend, Jenny. She’s an amazing photographer. You should check out her stuff or even set up a sitting of your own – she’s really good. Anyway, you can find her at You won’t be disappointed.

Just click the “pictures” tab to get rid of the filmstrip and then click the “right arrow” button to move through the gallery. If you want to see the whole image, click the lightbulb in the center of the pic.

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If you want to see the pics in a regular album, you can see it here:  Kesleigh’s Professional Pics

Dunking, Cooking, or Baptism?

Yesterday, Miranda and I drove up to Pearland for a special day. Miranda’s brother (Jared) and Sister-in-law (Tiffany) were going to be baptized, and Mike (Miranda’s dad) was going to perform the baptism. Cool stuff huh? Well, as it turns out, it wasn’t very “cool” at all – it was actually very hot. When Tiffany stepped into the water, you could see her face immediately struggling. As the pastor, Mike was wearing waders (so as not to get wet) and so he was oblivious to the temperature of the water. He started explaining the story of how she came to this decision, and she just stood in the water literally “cooking.” Finally Mike caught on and he dunked her as quickly as possible and got her out of the water. Jared went so fast, I don’t think he actually got dunked all the way under water. A nurse was called to the holding room afterward and after about 30 minutes she released them to come to their seats. When Miranda and I saw them, their legs were still red and burned. This will be one of those stories that gets passed down through the family each and every time we gather together. It wasn’t funny at the time, but we’ve had a lot of good laughs about it already.

I guess those Baptists really wanna know who’s serious about getting baptized.

PS – Evidently something was wrong with the heating element and no one checked the temperature before the service. I can’t imagine what kinds of lawsuits there might be if there had been children to baptize that day.

Sorry, we didn’t snap any pictures. No one even thought about it ’cause we were all so concerned about their safety and burns.

Father’s Day – Savoring Family

I was at my in-laws house earlier today and we celebrated my first Father’s Day. There are all kinds of jokes about in-laws, but mine break all the stereotypes. They’re great! They have truly welcomed me into the family and I feel at home when I’m with them. (The only place I don’t feel at home with them is in the pantry, but Mike is hardly allowed in there himself. – LOL)

My father-in-law, Mike loves to eat. It doesn’t matter what he’s eating, he always sits down and enjoys every bite. It’s a normal thing to see him sitting at a table alone when everyone else is in the living room on a TV tray or on the floor. He knows how to savor his food.

Anyway, there’s a scene in the movie the Bucket List where Morgan Freeman comes home. He clearly loves being with his family. The scene shows him at a crowded dinner table passing food around laughing and then when they pray together, he sneeks a peek at his loved ones. He is truly contented – savoring every moment with them.

In that scene Morgan Freeman plays the role of my father-in-law – Mike. He lives for times like today – when his crowded house becomes a home for everyone – when the Krolczyk’s show up and he and Leroy can whisper together – when the guys meet around the grill and the girls leave together to “run some errands” (that’s code for “we haven’t bought any Father’s Day gifts yet.”) – when he is torn about whether to hold Kasen, Kallie, or  Reid – times when smiles are common and laughter is contagious – He savors those moments as if he is storing them in his heart for a rainy day. He is proud of his family. He loves his family and would give anything for them. He is a true Father.

I hope and pray that my home will be filled like that one day. Thanks – Mike and Patti for your example and for treating me as one of your own. The Bible describes children as arrows. (Ps 127:4-5) I’m sure Mike felt like his quiver was full today, and I know he savored every moment of it – it was all over his face.

Thank you God for my family, and Miranda’s family, and the things we’ve learned from them – the examples they’ve shown to us. Give Miranda and I a home full of family too. Empower and lead us to aim our arrow (Kasen) correctly and guide him to take ground in advancing the Kingdom of God. AMEN.