This weekend, I experienced the sacred mystery of an amazing cathedral. Entering, I was first struck by the arches of east Texas pine stretching to a ceiling of endless blue. An easiness washed over over me and the world’s worries disappeared as I became overwhelmed by a sense of peace. We rested on old rocking…
Tag: corn
The Hangout House
Recently, Miranda and I watched a TV show (Still Standing) where parents were competing to have the house where all the kids hung out. It became a contest to see who could buy the bigger and better toys. Pretty funny. Miranda and I have always said that we wanted our house to be the “Hangout…
Mother’s Day
Miranda is an amazing mom (not to mention how amazing she is at being a wife). Having Kasen, was like uncovering what she was created to do. I sat next to her the other night on the couch as we listened to Kasen crying in his crib. We were attempting the let him “cry it…
Leadership Quotes
I was reading about leadership on-line the other day and found these quotes. I just thought I’d share them ’cause they’re good. I especially love the second one from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Something about that one just rings true in my heart. There’s this sort of resounding “Yes!” that just wants to rise up out…
Baby Making
I listened to a sermon by Voddie Bachaum the other day and was struck by something he said. He explained that 75%-88% of American so-called Christian teenagers abandon their faith by the time they finish their first year of college. The average Christian parents in America have 2 children. This means that it takes 4…
Church Leadership
This is how it feels to be a leader in the church sometimes. The only difference is that it looks like this little girl has more influence than most church leaders do. Of course this may have more to do with the leader than it does the church. I’d bet that relationship has something to…
Follow the Servant Leader
I was watching some kids play the other day and was reminded of the games I used to play as a kid. I especially remember “Follow the Leader.” Everyone wanted to be the leader, and I don’t know about you, but I used to try to do things that the other kids couldn’t do. I…
Kasen is not learning to talk, but he’s figured out that he’s supposed to make sounds with his mouth. He is pretty good at opening and closing his mouth and making a sort of “dada” sound. That’s so much better than the dreaded “mama” sounds coming first. Anyway, I really wish that I knew what…
The Family Bible
I was thinking a couple of weeks ago about the family Bible. Most people have this huge Bible that just sits around somewhere in the house, that is never used. I felt like God was telling me that Miranda and I needed to be more intentional about our time together and our Bible reading. I…
Exodus & Matthew
We started studying Matthew last night in small group and I noticed something I never really saw before. I knew that Matthew was written to new converts from Judaism in an attempt to prove that Jesus is the Messiah. Because of that, Matthew uses lots of Jewish phrases and he approaches the story of Jesus…