It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I stood outside that glass in the hospital and wondered if I could really be a father. It’s been the best year of my life though. Miranda has been amazing too. I hope to write more soon, but for now, I’ll just post a few pics/video…
Tag: corn
Halloween – Kasen’s First
Kasen was a dinosaur for his first Halloween. He didn’t really trick-or-treat, but loved the candy he got from mama and daddy. Dum dum are his favorite. Here are a few pics and videos from last night. We also went to the B-Wood football game .
Breakin’ the Law
Is it OK to rebel against a rule/law/etc.?As a youth minister, one of the topics that comes up over and over is about obeying parents (and other authorities). Scripture is clear that we are to obey the authorities (Ephesians 6, Romans 13:1-7) placed over us and so it’s a pretty easy answer. Of course you’ve…
New Terrain
No matter where you are in life, you can probably say, “Wow! I’ve never been here before. Life has thrown some things at me, but I’ve never felt like this before.” It seems that even in our “normal” everyday lives, there’s still always something new – something different that turns things at a new angle…
Kasen Walking
Kasen is walking a little better now. Still a little wobbly – but fun to watch. I also can’t help but love the way he says “DaDa” while he walks.
A Leader’s Poem and Prayer
POEM by Sir Francis Drake: Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess, we have lost our…
The Other Shore
When Edouard (tropical storm) came through Lake Jackson last week, Miranda and I left and went to her parent’s house in Pearland. We weren’t overly concerned, but didn’t want to risk anything since it was threatening to be a hurricane. Anyway, we packed a few things together and took the dogs with us too. On…
I have been thinking about “noticing” lately. I even wrote a journal for our students which centered on this idea. (Of course most of the material is from Louie Giglio) Anyway, It’s not a new idea but I think the fast-paced world we live in, which bounces us from one activity to the next, has…