Career or Calling

John Ortberg says, “American society does not talk much about calling anymore.  It is more likely to think in terms of career.  Yet, for many people a career becomes the altar on which they sacrifice their lives.
A calling, which is something I do for God, is replaced by a career, which threatens to become my god.  A career is something I choose for myself; a calling is something I receive.  A career is something I do for myself; a calling is something I do for God. A career promises status, money or power; a calling generally promises difficulty and even some suffering – and the opportunity to be used by God.  A career is about upward mobility; a calling generally leads to downward mobility.”

Many callings have been sacrificed on the altar of career. You see, it’s tough to leave the safety of a career to pursue a calling that doesn’t seem to come with any promises/guarantees. However, it makes sense to start chasing your calling today!! I have been blessed and always been able to pursue a calling.  I can’t imagine what it’d be like to simply go to a job or pursue a career that doesn’t really breathe life into me. A calling may be tough and there may be suffering involved, but the energy and life that is sparked within me, is priceless. It’s not tough to get up in the morning and work hard all day if you’re chasing a God-given calling ’cause He provides the energy and motivation that are needed. You also FEEL motivated and encouraged ’cause you know you’re making an eternal difference.

As much as we need the money, I can’t settle for a career – just a job to pay the bills. I’m praying for someone to give me the opportunity to pursue my calling to teach. I’m willing to pay my dues and to make the sacrifices that are needed, ’cause I know I’ll be energized in the end. I know that pursuing a calling is far greater than having a career.

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