Our house is vandalized every time we go out of town and it was defaced once again this week when we returned from vacation. The vandal is Katie King. Each time we leave, Katie watches our dog and housesits. As we go out the door, I always tell her in my most sarcastic tones to be sure to clean up the mess if she has a party so we don’t find out about it. Once, she actually placed an empty beer keg in the bathtub for our return. This time, she defaced our living room by hanging a poster of herself above our mantle so we “would never forget her.” (She’s moving away to go to school this August.)
We met Katie 6yrs ago when we moved to Lake Jackson. She was one of the youth at the church, but since those first few months, she’s truly become part of our family. The hoodlum terrorizes our house by maliciously spray painting laughter on our walls & kidknapping our hearts. She’s always a ton of fun and has truly been a blessing for our family. She loves our kids and they love her. One of Kasen’s first words was, “Tay Day” (Katie) and Kesleigh loves to fall asleep in her arms. She has spent countless hours watching our kids so Miranda and I can get other things done. When we need someone to pick up the mail or feed Peanut, our dog, Katie is always ready to help. She’s got a real servant’s heart. I honestly don’t know what life would be like without her. We are excited for her to begin her new life in August, but we’re going to miss her. We’ll miss her laughter, her help, her smile, and even her vandalism. Truth is: The world could use a few more vandals like Katie.
aww…thanks Steve! You guys are great and thanks for letting me be a part of your family! I will miss you guys, but don’t fret, I will find ways to “vandalize” your house while I’m at school….now to find my minion…muahahaha!
Katie, you probably won’t ever hear me say it to your face, but you really have become a part of us. You’ve influenced our lives so much that we wouldn’t be who we are without you. The bad thing is that you’ll never be able to get out of the family now. You’re stuck with us whether you like it or not.
We’ll be praying for you as you go and will be excited to hear what God is gonna do with you.
love it!
Laurie – Katie feels like a part of our family the way I feel like a part of yours. I guess that means Katie is a part of yours too.
sweet, the more the merrier!
Have you ever called her and told her you guess she must have Peanut somewhere else b/c you don't see him in the back yard? Poor David, he was out in the rain looking for Peanut and you had him the whole time!