Spiritual Gifts Inventory

I just wanted to post some of the tools that I use when I teach about spiritual gifts. My favorite assessment is the “Motivational Gifts” Assessment. It focuses on only 7 of the spiritual gifts and so it’s a little less rigorous to understand. It’s also not a “blind” test and so you’re able to line up the qualities with that particular gift. This makes it much easier to recognize the gifts of other people as you begin to see those particular qualities in them. These 7 are considered “Motivational” Gifts. These gifts are permanent gifts that tend to motivate everything else that someone does. (Ex: Administration, Teaching, Exhortation, Perceiving, Serving, Giving, & Compassion) This inventory does not test for the “Manifestation” gifts which are the gifts given by the Holy Spirit temporarily for a specific purpose.  (Ex: Faith, Healing, Tongues, Prophecy, Interpretation of Tongues, etc.)

Here’s a link to download some of the tools I have gathered over the years:

It includes:

– A Motivational Gifts Assessment (normal and blind)

– A Motivational Gifts Teaching Worksheet with answers

– A different blind Spiritual Gifts Inventory (includes many other gifts)

Some other personality tests that are fun to combine with a Spiritual Gifts study include:

– DISC personality assessment

or even the Love Language Assessment for Husband and Wife

7 Replies to “Spiritual Gifts Inventory”

  1. Do you have the spiritual or motivational assessments in Spanish? They would be awesome to use on our mission trip to Guatemala.

    Thank you for posting such awesome resources.

    1. Sorry Diane. I don’t have them in Spanish. You might try copying the text and pasting it into an on-line translator though. If you create Spanish versions, please forward copies to me so I can link them here.

  2. Hi Steve. Great tools.

    Do you happen to have a PowerPoint presentation of the Motivational Gifts teaching outline? I would love to use it, if possible, for my youth group.

    1. Sorry Paul, I don’t have a powerpoint. I’m sure that I used one the last time I taught through this material, but I can’t seem to find it now. If you end up creating one, please send me a copy and I’ll try to get it posted here as well. Glad this stuff was helpful. I’ll say a prayer for you and your group.

  3. I was asked to conduct a work shop for a small ladies retreat (roughly 150 women) coming up in a week and I could not locate any of my prior material on this subject. after looking for online for awhile and not really finding any thing that really spoke to me I stumbled across your site, and I was blessed!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you! You Rock! Praying for your ministry to continue to be used by God.

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