Fun Theory

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I think this is awesome! The world has forgotten how to “play” and yet, they long for opportunities and jump at the chance for a little fun. I wonder what other ways we could be subversive and create more “play” opportunities like this? I wonder what Jesus would have thought about this kind of thing? I think most of His contemporaries would have thought it was a waste of time, but somehow I think Jesus would have stood up for it. He opened the way for the children to come to him and then told everyone they were supposed to be like them. As a father, it’s my job to roll around on the floor wrestling with my son and to play chase down the hallway. If Jesus were in my house when I come home from work, I can’t imagine that He wouldn’t join in on the fun.

Anyway, Leonard Sweet posted this video and I just had to share it. He also has a few things to say about “play” in his book Soul Tsunami. I wrote about it in another post quite a while back. Check it out here: Play

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