Job Search

family 02smOur church has struggled through this rough economy. Every full-time programming staff position is being made “part-time” in January. They have been very intentional about communicating that this is not a “performance related” decision. Here’s a letter drafted by the SPRC chairman describing the circumstance: Clarification Letter Anyway, I have until January to find another way to support my family.

In spite of the title of this post, I’m NOT looking for a job, but a position that I can passionately pursue – one in which I can bring Jesus glory and make a difference in the world. This might be another church position, a teaching position, or any number of endless possibilities.

Over the years in youth ministry, I have developed many skills and believe I can be an asset to almost any setting.

I have experience in:

Small Groups
Leading contemporary worship
Multimedia and film Production

I love dreaming, leading, casting vision, and chasing after God’s preferred future.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Leadership from the College of Biblical Studies. You can get some ideas about my philosophies and ideas about ministry from these articles:

Bottom Leaders
Changing a Culture
Follow the Servant Leader
Lions and Leadership
Little Shovel
Man, Movement, Machine, & Monuments
Wizard of Oz Leadership
Church Thoughts & Ideas:
Planting a “Practice”
Social Media and the Church
Welcoming or Welcomed?
Worship by Sweat

I have also written a couple of articles that were published by These are the direct links:

I’m not too proud. I ask for your prayers, your advice, and your help. Miranda and I are confident in God’s hand of providence, but we will also need our friends (the body of Christ) to help us through this difficult time. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”

Want to contact me?
Steve Corn
979-415-4522 (cell)

25 Replies to “Job Search”

  1. praying for you dude. I just told Eric, he has contacts at a lot of churches so if he hears anything about any openings or whatever we will let you know!

  2. Hey Steve, You are one of the most talented youth directors in our conference, somebody will snatch you up, God will make a way! God bless!

  3. Sorry to hear about that Steve. I completely understand what you are going through. The economy here in Florida is not doing well at all-jobs are hard to come by. I am a little surprised I thought Lake Jackson was hanging in there because of the industry there. You are a very talented youth pastor and I know as the person above said that someone will snatch you up.

  4. Steve, sorry to read about your transition. God knows your family’s needs and will answer your prayers. He is faithful.

  5. I’m praying for you guys and I truely believe that God has something awesome planned for you. Keep the faith!

  6. I’m speechless right now, but please know that you and your family and in my thoughts and prayers right now!! I agree fully with what Melony said, He has a plan.

  7. So sorry to hear about your situation. I think most people in ministry are feeling the economic pressures right now. Just know that God has a plan, bigger and better than you could ever imagine, so get ready. I’ll be praying for you.

  8. Praying for you big time brother, but you know…God’s going to take good care of you guys, he always has 🙂

  9. I’m praying for you and Miranda during these days. We don’t know what God has planned for you, but I know He will reveal it in His time. I love you both.

  10. Me, too! I think this is going to turn out to be a HUGE blessing for your family! I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but just wait!!! I am praying for you and your family!!!

  11. EVERYTHING screams Steve Corn to me!!! I know God has a plan, and I will keep my heart open to His nudging. If your reading this wondering if Steve is worthy of hiring, he is. A great heart, a passion for ministry, a guy who can lead a team.

  12. Yes, I am a little slow on checking emails and FB but you are now on my prayer radar! You are truly an amazing person and youth leader. I will keep my eyes and ears open as there is a very special place just waiting for you and your family to “take them to that next level”. If our family can ever do anything for you guys please know that we are a phone call away.

  13. Steve, you are in our prayers. God definitely has plans for you and Miranda.

    You have the greatest reference anyone could have, Jesus. And, you have numerous ministries that have prospered because of your faith in Jesus.

    If we can help you in any way, please let us know. If you need any references, please count us, too.

    May God Bless you and your family.

  14. Hey, steve just letting ya know im praying for you. i know that God still has big things planned for you. i love you man.


  15. We are going to miss yall! It was a pleasure helping you and the ministry. I learned so much from your teachings and enjoyed all of our road trips!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me raise my 2 kids. They loved youth and I know they were so engaged with God during that time. Hopefully they will continue to love God because God is the only one that will get you through this life journey we are own. I will pray that you find what you are looking for.

    Be JOYful Always, Kim Bowers family

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