A Quarter

Week 8 – Well, I guess I’m a quarter of the way now. Down to 227.5 lbs. I have lost 12.5 lbs of the 50 lbs that I need to lose – that’s a fourth of the way – 25%!! Since this is a lifestyle (and lifelong) change, and I’m only 9 weeks in, I figure I’m doing pretty well.

Last week was interesting. I didn’t eat well at all! I was on a mission trip with our youth and I ate anything and everything that I felt like eating. Sometimes (but not always) there were more healthy choices, but in general, I still just ate what I wanted. I knew that I was working hard and sweating like crazy on the work sites for large portions of the day, so my hope was that it would somehow balance out. Luckily, I was right. Even with the bad eating habits, I ended up losing another lb and a half. That puts me @ 227.5 lbs now. I wonder how much I would have lost if I had done well with the eating part too???

No pics this week – something is wrong with the camera. 🙁

6 Replies to “A Quarter”

  1. Steve,
    I’m so PROUD of you concerning the weight loss. It’s hard….and I suppose the real key is just staying at it and not giving up. Guess we will have to encourage each other. I went back to Weight Watchers last week and have lost almost 6 lbs. in 2 weeks. I have really put on some weight myself and need to lose about 30 lbs. I had given up…but a friend looked at me and asked me WHY??? I suppose because I’m lazy and eating is really fun!!! lol…But, keep up the good work. You can do it! I am going to try to exercise more this week and drink more water. Good luck! jolynn

  2. thats awesome! My Dr. told me i need to loose 15 lb. to be healthy! I really like to food, so far I have gained 1.2lb

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