2nd Father’s Day

sm-Story TimeTomorrow will be my 2nd official Father’s Day. My first with 2 children. Miranda was asking me what “Kasen and Kesleigh” could get me. (I put “quotes” around their names ’cause they have no concept of Father’s Day yet.) I really didn’t have a clue. I have everything I really need. I’m truly blessed beyond anything I ever imagined. I’ve been thinking about how I could answer her though. What do I want? Well, I’m not sure she can arrange for Kasen and Kesleigh to get it for me, but here’s what I want.

First and foremost, I want my children to grow up to be madly in love with Jesus.

I want my children to be “arrows” like Psalms 127:4 describes them – arrows attack the enemy in his territory and work to expand and advance the kingdom.

I want more time to be with my family and I want to have great experiences together.

I want to be able to provide for my family in physical, emotional, and spiritual ways.

I want to live as an example to my children by being a man of character who chases after God even if it seems crazy.

I want to laugh, play, and enjoy my bride and children by being truly present with them in everyday life.

I want my bride and children to know how much they are loved.

I want God’s grace to continue to grant me favor. I want to become an awesome husband and father and I understand that it’s truly a never-ending journey!

My list could go on and on, but I’ll stop here.  I think I’ve communicated the main thing I was trying to say. Besides, I’ve gt the most amazing bride and children in the world. Is there really anything more I could want?

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