I didn’t do so well this week with this whole healthy eating/exercising thing. Not real bad – just not as well. We had a good friend come down this weekend and ended up taking her out to dinner at a place where we had only been one other time. It was a great meal, but they didn’t have much on the menu that I was willing to eat that was still semi-healthy. I opted for a steak. I know it’s not that bad to eat a steak, but I still felt sort of guilty about it – of course the “delicious factor” overwhelmed my guilt, but never-the-less at least there was a little guilt. I figure that means I really am turning some sort of corner. I mean – I would never have felt any guilt at all before all this. At least I know my mindset is changing. I also failed miserably with the whole food thing during our youth lock-in Sunday night – it’s tough for an old man like me to stay awake all night and be responsible for 25 youth without a few cookies, chips, and caffeine in the middle of the night.
Not only that, but I also didn’t do so well with the exercise stuff this week. I missed one day of exercise yesterday ’cause I was sleeping after the lock-in all night Sunday night. No problem – I’m make up the 2 miles later this week.
I went to the Doctor last week and he gave me some great news! I don’t actually have to get down to 178lbs, but only down to 190lbs. That’s 12lbs less to lose!!! Yeah!! I didn’t get to weigh myself this morning, so I don’t have a current update for today, but I figure I’m probably still around the 233lb mark that I was last week.
Here’s the pic today in comparison to my first week. PS – I happen to be wearing the greatest T-shirt I’ve ever owned today. It says, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Listen to Country Music!” (I don’t really have much against country music, but I still think it’s hilarious!)

Steve – you are still doing well – even from this picture, I see differences in your hips and chin. Steak is actually ok to eat every now and then – just don’t make a habit of it! 🙂 Keep up the posts – I am proud of you!
Enjoyed the post Steve. You are walking where David and I are. We are learning to change the way we live, and when we do make bad choices, we try to make better bad choices. Remember, growing up is a process not an event. Learning to be different is “growing up” right? It’s a process, not and event. Take care and God bless.