
In the church world, commitment is a highly regarded value. It’s tough to find people who are truly committed to a ministry and when you do – you hold on to them tightly ’cause they are a huge asset.

But I wonder if it’s really commitment that we’re seeking? Here’s something Dr. Ayers said in class the other day: (It’s not word for word, but my interpretation of it.)

Commitment says, ‘I can.’ but surrender says, ‘I can’t.’ Which does God really want? Are you ‘trying’ each day out of commitment or ‘dying’ each day out of surrender to God? Instead of trying to live for Him, we should be letting God live through us.

I think some of this comes into play with the whole “enoughness” thing. When we are insecure in our own identity, we can try to make up for it by being extremely committed to something – then we get esteemed by others. It’s not very healthy though. On the other hand, when we “surrender” we get esteemed not by other people, but by God Himself. This is a much more healthy way find our identity and be esteemed. We are only enough, when we are in Christ. If our “enoughness” is found in other people esteeming us, then it probably has to do with what we can do for them and it won’t last ’cause we can’t work hard enough to satisfy the needs of another person consistently. However, if we are in Christ, he gives us an inner peace and satisfies our deepest longings and desires and we realize that we are enough simply by being with Him.

All this is to say that “surrender” is more important than “commitment.” Commitment can be about an outward appearance, but surrender comes from our inner identity.

All this makes me think of the Chris Tomlin song, “Enough.”

All of You
is more than enough for
all of me
for every thirst and every need.
You satisfy me with Your love
and all I have in You
is more than enough.

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