Miranda’s Teaching Debut

My beautiful bride, Miranda, was asked quite a while ago to teach a group of about 60 women on a retreat this past weekend. The only direction they gave her was "Faith." Anyway, she had some very specific ideas of what she wanted to share with them but hadn’t quite figured out how to tie it all together. Anyway, the bible study she normally goes to got cancelled last week, so she sat in with me and the youth as I taught them what I had learned about circumcision in class last week.

You can click here to read bout it: http://uturn.typepad.com/steve/2007/01/awesome_school_.html

When she and I got home, we had a great discussion about it all and she decided to use the material from Joshua 5 that we had taught the youth to tie her talk together. We prayed over it all and I prayed for her during the weekend, and upon her return she had great news! Not only had her talk gone really well, but the one part she was concerned about (All the background material leading to Joshua 5 with Moses in the desert.) was taken care of too. God had given those verses to another woman who was leading the session before her!! Isn’t He good??? I probably looked like the two of them had gotten together to plan their talks, but that was completely the work of the Holy Spirit. Thank You God!!

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